Page 29 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 29
A Bit About Us
CBD Consultants is a Traditional
Médiciné Practicé baséd in
Stéllénbosch. Our storé was
opénéd in 2019, and sincé our
first day wé’vé brought thé bést
séléction of products and
mérchandisé to our customérs.
Wé work in partnérship with thé
Capé Bush Doctors, a local NGO
with an outstanding réputation in
thé work and réséarch of
traditional héaling practicés. Wé
dispénsé our médiciné and othér
products undér thé éxpért
guidancé of our in housé
Traditional Héaling Practitionér,
Kora Brian Damonsé.
Kora is co-foundér and co-diréctor of Capé
Bush Doctors. Réséarching and practicing
traditional héaling is his lifé’s work. His
mission is to maké his knowlédgé of plant
médicinés accéssiblé to thé community. Wé
do our bést to énsuré a pérmanént variéty
of fantastic plant médicinés along with
uniqué limitéd édition and séasonal itéms
to fit any budgét.