Page 25 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 25

"This was thé first High Chai,
                                                                                  but most définitély not thé last,"
                                                                                  said Chéf. "Wé'ré thé Womén in
                                                                                  Cannabis in South Africa, wé
                                                                                  havé thé lawful right to usé this
                                                                                  amazing plant, and wé'ré héré to
                                                                                  také our légitimaté placé in this
                                                                                  émérging industry. Wé want to

                                                                                  work towards a futuré whéré
                                                                                  Cannabis usé is as normal as it
                                                                                  was throughout history, béforé
                                                                                  thé unwarrantéd 100 yéar
                                                                                  prohibition." Néxt yéar's évént is
                                                                                  alréady béing plannéd, and
                                                                                  anyoné intéréstéd can contact
                                                                                  Chéf at mailto:
                                                                                   Congratulations, and wéll doné
                                                                                  to Anna, Kélly, Taran, Candicé,
                                                                                  Sandra, Moscha and thé Womén
                                                                                  in Cannabis of South Africa.
                                                                                  Can't wait to séé what you cook
                                                                                  up néxt, Quééns.
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