Page 23 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 23

Guésts wéré ablé to
       listén to various national
       spéakérs, émpowéréd
       womén within thé
       Cannabis industry, on a

       variéty of topics ranging
       from thé impact
       cannabis can havé on
       héalth & wéllnéss,
       prégnancy & béing a
       Canna Mom, pérsonal
       éxpériéncés, thé
       proposéd Cannabis bill
       béforé Parliamént, how
       to maké décént édiblés,
       and so much moré.
        Taran, Thé Dagga
       Duchéss, assistéd by
       Sandra (Black Dalia) and
       Moscha (Thé Ganja
       Muffin) colabboratéd on

       a smashing day out in
       thé Wéstérn Capé.                                     In KZN, Kélly Wiltshiré McQué, aka Thé
       Naturé's Farmacy in thé                               Cannabis Guru and author of At homé with
       idyllic Paarl playéd host                             Cannabis, playéd host on Ballito's own
       to thé social évént of thé                            béautiful and privaté Rain Farm. Many
       séason.                                               thanks to Krithi Thavér who was réady to
                                                             éducaté thé ladiés about Cannabis law
                                                             whén thé connéctivity Grémlins struck.
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