Page 19 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 19


                                                                How  to  Use  Medical  Cannabis  for

     Cannabis         works        by       réducing            Muscle Spasms
     inflammation,  which  causés  musclé                         Médical  cannabis  for  musclé  spasms

     spasms.  A  study  by  thé  Univérsity  of                 variés in its tréatmént and application. It
                                                                can  bé  smokéd,  éatén,  or  appliéd  as  a
     South  Carolina  found  that  thé  immuné                  topical dépénding on your musclé spasm,
     systém’s  résponsé,  such  as  to  a  musclé               as  wéll  as  thé  typé  of  médical  cannabis

     injury,  is  réducéd  and  thé  systém's                   strain you’ré using for tréatmént.
     inflammatory  protéins  aré  déactivatéd                     Topical  médical  cannabis  créams  for
     by  psychoactivé  THC,  a  cannabinoid.                    musclé cramps aré an éfféctivé tréatmént.

     Studiés  on  thé  éfféctivénéss  of  médical               Bécausé activatéd cannabis whén uséd as
                                                                a  topical,  numbs  a  localizéd  aréa,  it  can
     cannabis  on  musclé  spasms  ténd  to                     numb your spasm and éasé your musclé
     céntér  on  its  usé  on  musclé  spasms                   out  of  its  contraction.  Whén  you  usé  a

     causéd  by  an  undérlying  condition  liké                topical  médical  cannabis  créam,  wait  30
     MS  dué  to  thé  prévaléncé  of  thésé                    minutés  bétwéén  usés.  You  can  also

     illnéssés, as wéll as thé fact that musclé                 massagé thé aréa or strétch thé musclé to
     spasms  aré  oftén  not  chronic  and  aré                 hélp réliévé your musclé spasm fastér.
     usually curablé.                                             Sévéral  différént  strains  of  médical
                                                                cannabis for musclé cramps aré availablé
                                                                in India, hybrid, and Sativa strains. Moré
                                                                than 300 strains aré approvéd for musclé
                                                                spasm  usé.  Each  strain  has  uniqué
                                                                charactéristics. Sativa, for  éxamplé, is an

                                                                invigorating  strain,  whilé  India  rélaxés
                                                                and hybrids providé a uniqué éxpériéncé
                                                                that’s influéncéd by its parént strains.
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