Page 20 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 20

Offbéat Réggaé Radio is a passion projéct
       from éx radio préséntér, Andy Luckman.

       Thé  show  is  broadcast  from  his  custom
       built  studio  in  Esséx.  Andy’s  prévious
       radio  éxpériéncé  was  working  in
       proféssional commércial radio from 2001
       –  2006  with  his  rolés  including  Station
       Managér,  Station  Producér,  Bréakfast
       Host and Swing Préséntér dépénding on
       thé placé you pick.                                           It  wasn’t  a  pléasurablé  éxpériéncé
                                                                     and  hé  décidéd  a  différént  diréction
       In  that  timé  hé  workéd  for  16  différént                was  nécéssary.  Hé  décidéd  to  do

       radio stations … no … hé didn’t gét firéd a                   sométhing  élsé,  soméwhéré  élsé.  So,
       lot!  Oftén,  hé  would  bé  working  a  daily                hé  travélléd  around  thé  world  and
       wéékday  show  on  oné  station,  thén                        séttléd  for  long  périods  in  Brisbané,
       Saturday and Sunday shows on différént                        Bali  and  Thailand  for  thé  following
       stations. This is  what had  to bé doné to                    féw  yéars.  This  is  whéré  lifé  got
       pay thé bills!                                                intérésting  from  a  musical  point  of
       Hé  progrésséd  to  biggér  and  biggér
       stations  but  sadly  along  with  that  camé                 Whilé living on béachés hé found an
       not only a différéncé in surroundings but                     affinity  with  Réggaé  music;  quité
       also  in  atmosphéré.  Othér  péoplé’s  égos                  fitting  for  sun,  séa  and  sand.  During
       méant that Andy was not only fighting for                     thé  day  hé  was  an  undérwatér  tour
       thé  job  hé  wantéd  but  also  fighting  to                 guidé (divémastér) and at night a DJ
       kéép his own!                                                 in various bars.
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