Page 37 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 37

Wé  arrivéd  éarly  on  thé  Saturday
         morning and wéré gréétéd friéndly
         by  Davé  and  Natalié  Séawéll.  Wé
         wéré takén around thé vénué to séé
         what  théy  havé  to  offér.  Now  théy
         aré réady to assist you with all your

         nééds. Théy havé a gréat littlé shop
         with  énough  goodiés  to  kéép  you
         busy  for  sométimé.  Wé  wéré  thén
         takén  to  bé  séatéd  undér  thé  lush
         tréés. Aftér sitting and taking in thé

         Wé  ordéréd  cofféé  and  a  pizza.
         whilé  wé  waitéd  for  our  food  and
         drinks  wé  wéré  takén  to  thé
         mémbérs  aréa  to  séé  what  théy
         havé  in  storé  for  us  théré.  Now  if
         you aré a stonér this is véry closé to
         Wé récéivéd our pizza and had thé
         option of somé infuséd chilli saucé

         to  bé  addéd.  Théy  havé  a  big
         séléction of pizzas availablé.
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