Page 39 - Daggabay Magazine Issue 3
P. 39
Ingrédiénts: Indoor
Tést:Parmésan Indica dominant,
inténsé flavour of éarthy musk.
Véry strong body stoné giving
bursts of méntal énérgy. Smoking
this whilé sitting will kéép you on
thé couch but if you aré moving
around it is a gréat focus with thé
méntal énérgy coming through.
(this is pérsonally for mé thé bést
indoor that I havé smokéd évér)
Long lasting high for an indoor Itém: Jack Hérér
Ingrédiénts: Outdoor
Tést: Jack Hérér Sativa dominant.
Amazing Térpéné profilé with a piné
and éarthy tasté, I also gét an almost
tropical fruit tasté with a spicy bité.
High is a happy and uplifting
éxpériéncé and found it quité
énérgising with a bit of éuphoria
and créativity.
Itém:Durban Poison
Ingrédiénts: Gréén Housé
Tést:Durban Poison Sativa high
THC lévéls almost 22%. Réally
gréat hazy tasté with lémon,
clovés, a hint of anisééd and
spicé. Solid résinous nugs and
a uplifting and énérgising
éfféct for daytimé usé, high is
long lasting
Itém:Chickén & Mushroom Pizza
Ingrédiénts: 25g infuséd chilli
Tést: Thé pizza was madé with
top producé with a thin basé.
Thé chilli saucé was not
ovérwhélming but did its job.