Page 10 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 10
owners to act responsibly and pick up after their dogs. The public footpaths remain open
however we have had some reports of people around the Parish straying from the
footpaths and walking over privately owned farmland. Could Parishioners please refrain
from this and stick to the footpaths. Springtime is a very busy time for the farmers in our
Parish so also please remember to close gates to prevent sheep straying onto the road and
to keep your dogs under control on their leads when using the footpaths as well.
On a very positive note, Councillor Ian Morgan has been coordinating the Volunteer
Buddy Scheme throughout the Parish to help those Parishioners who are self-isolating
either through illness or because they fall into the vulnerable categories. Ian has done
sterling work in making sure that all parts of the Parish are covered, and we have had a
fantastic response not only from volunteers but also from those residents who have been
able to benefit from the scheme so far. If you are not aware of who your local volunteer
is, a list has been printed elsewhere in the Parish magazine or you can contact Ian Morgan
and he can put you in touch with the correct person. A huge thank you to all of you who
have volunteered so far!
There is also a helpful information sheet which has been produced by the Parish Council
within the Magazine which shows all the important numbers you might need at this time.
Although we are living through very challenging times and are experiencing something
that we have never had to deal with in our lifetimes before, it is always very reassuring
to see how much of our community spirit always shines through. The last few weeks
have really reminded me just what a fantastic place we live in, with fantastic people that
live alongside us.
Please look out for each other and stay safe. And remember that everything will be alright
in the end; and if it isn’t alright then it’s not the end. Until next month!
Julia Hayhurst - Chair
Answers to the bird quiz on page 33
Click on the bird