Page 37 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 37

What  do  you  do  when  the  WI  you  ‘Fantastic Cocktails’ and August ‘A
      belong to can’t meet in person? Do you  Trip out to Elford Gardens’. Lots to
      do anything? Yes, of course you do!  look forward to this coming year.
      You organise a meeting through emails  In the meantime, members told each
      and that is just what Woodlands WI did  other what they had been doing in the
      last Thursday April 9th.  past  month.  Gardening  featured
      The minutes from March were sent out,  heavily for many people, me included.
      read  and  agreed  upon  for  Helen  the  Some were more adventurous and had
      President  to  sign.  Any  news  from  started  new  hobbies:  knitting,
      Staffs Federation, the National WI was  crocheting, learning how to use Zoom
      written about. In fact, both sections of  and Tai Chi to name a few. I’ve seen
      the  WI  have  suspended  events  until  some  great  crafted  door  hangings
      June but have found ways of holding  round  Marchington  Village  and
      Committee meetings via Zoom. Who  gardens have never been so weed-free!
      said the WI was old fashioned and out  Some had to resort to those jobs that
      of date! Liz had no finance news- thank  you leave for a rainy day. What about
      goodness we didn’t have to buy any  tidying  the  knicker  drawer?  Jet
      raffle tickets!          washing the patio? More baking? And
      The programme for 2020/ 2021 was the  of  course,  the  obligatory  eating  of
      big news of the meeting as this year  chocolate, especially Easter eggs. For
      due  to  restrictions  it  hadn’t  been  others,  work  carried  on,  from  home
      printed, so couldn’t be handed out at  instead of the office or for others the
      the April meeting. But each member  normal office at home which involved
      has had a copy emailed to them, so we  lambing  and  farming.  A
      all know what is happening at future   to Julie D. who has hand crafted
      meetings. To give you a flavour, June  Easter cards and sent one out to each
      is a ‘Good Time Get together,’ July is  member- they are beautiful, thank you
                               so much!
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