Page 40 - May 2020 parish mag_Classical
P. 40
After the raffle was drawn, people gradually drifted away into the Woodlands night
and the village hall door was effectively closed until further notice.
In these exceptional circumstances, the Village Hall Committee will carry out
administrative duties, keep a check on the facility to make sure that everything stays
in good working order and, if at all possible, complete some maintenance and update
jobs. It is also a great opportunity for you to let us have your thoughts and ideas
about the hall generally (email address:
Finally, you can be sure that we shall be ready to open the hall door when social
gathering restrictions are finally lifted.
Thinking of Future Social Events
Woodlands Village Hall may be closed at the moment but there will come a time in
the not-too-distant-future (we hope) when it will be ready for business again.
So, if you are thinking about organising that future event, a post COVID-19
celebratory bash for example, please get in touch with our Bookings Secretary, Joyce
Salmon, to get any information you may need about hiring the Woodlands Village
Hall as the venue. Booking information and hall details are also available via
Marchington Parish Council website:
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