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International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers in 1985 and 1991, Conran
        such as American Telephone and Telegraph, Rockwell International,   Directory of Design in 1985, and Who’s Who in Graphic Art in 1982.
        and Warner Communications were numbered among his prominent
        clients. His logo designs for the Girl Scouts of America, United   Bass died in Los Angeles on April 25, 1996, of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
        Airlines, and others were readily recognized in the United States and   His wife-and creative partner, Elaine Makatura, survived him. The couple had
        abroad. For Bass, every project was a concerted effort at cohesive   been married for 35 years; they had two children, Jennifer and Jeffrey.
        packaging, in keeping with his singular appreciation for detail.
        Memorable creations from his design repertoire included the 1983 U.S.
        postage stamp commemorating art and industry, publicity posters for
        five academy award ceremonies, and the poster designs for the 1984
        Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

        Bass collected an impressive assortment of international honors from
        both the advertising and movie industries. He was named Honorary
        Royal Designer for Industry from the Royal Society of Arts of
        London in 1964, and he received an honorary fellowship from Bezalel
        Academy in Jerusalem in 1984. Prestigious art institutes such as the
        Philadelphia College of Art and the Los Angeles Art Center College
        of Design awarded honorary doctorate degrees to Bass. He held a
        membership in the Sundance Film Institute in Utah and served as an                          A Personal Journey with Martin
        executive board member of the International Design Conference in    That’s Entertainment Part II  Scorsese through American   Phase IV
        Aspen, Colorado.                                                                            Movies

        Exhibitions of his work appeared at the Rotterdam Film Festival
        in 1981, at the Cinematheque Francaise in Paris in 1982, and at the
        Zagreb Film Festival in Yugoslavia, in 1984. In 1987, as a professor
        at the University of California in Los Angeles department of art, he   Early career
        was named a Regents Lecturer for 1986-87, and a retrospective of
        his work appeared on exhibit at the school. Collections of his work   Saul Bass was born on May 8, 1920, in New York City. He studied
        are displayed internationally - at the Museum of Modern Art in New
        York City, at the U.S. Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., in   at the Art Students League in Manhattan until attending classes with
        Amsterdam at the Stedlijk Museum, and in Czechoslovakia at the     Georgy Keeps at Brooklyn College. He began his time in Hollywood
        Prague Museum. His writings appeared internationally in publications   doing print work for film ads, until he collaborated with filmmaker
        such as Graphis of Zurich, Switzerland; Film Dope of London;       Otto Preminger to design the film poster for his 1954 film Carmen
        and Banc-Titre of Paris, as well as American Cinematographer of    Jones. Preminger was so impressed with Bass’s work that he asked
        Hollywood and Cinema of Beverly Hills. G. Nelson published a       him to produce the title sequence as well. This was when Bass first saw
        book on Bass, entitled Saul Bass, in 1967. Bass earned listings in   the opportunity to create something more than a title sequence, but to
                                                                           create something which would ultimately enhance the experience of the

        Course Title: Motion Graphics  Project: The Volvo Ocean Race  Student: Janet McPhatter  Instructor: Prof. Russell Brown  Term: May 2011
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