Page 13 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 13

SWOT Analysis

                          Strengths                                      Weaknesses

                          -Product combines elliptical                   -Logo and website needs to be
                          movement with cycling.                         revamped to show a more powerful
                          -Can be used outdoors like a bike              and fun-loving product
                          -Can also be stationary with a                 -Currently product is very
                          stand                                          expensive
                          -Easy on the body                              -Practice is needed for steering
                          -Promotes great cardio work out                and making turns
                          -Builds muscle
                          -Promotes weight loss
                          -Folds down for easy storage
                          -Youth and Seniors can use it.
                          -Both fit and non-fit persons can
                          use it
                          -Green conscience

                          Opportunities                                  Threats

                          -More models than current                      -Current competition may go lower
                          competition of ers                             in their prices
                          -Price is less than the competition            -Websites and brands of current
                          -Talk is going on about expanding              competition has a better look and
                          manufacturing in Taiwan                        feel
                          -When sales increase the price will            -Other fitness companies may want
                          decrease                                       to create a similar product tapping
                                                                         into this market
                                                                         -The market may not be as
                                                                         sustainable as anticipated

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