Page 16 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
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                    As we celebrate the 75  anniversary of the Revival Movement we praise God for the
                    significant role that the RMA has played over the years in spreading the Good News of
                    Jesus Christ to France and French-speaking islands. More than two million households
                    have received a Gospel package called Osons Semer Ensemble (Let’s sow together). This
                    package, designed for families, young people, students, and adults, has been distributed
                    with the help of local churches and teams from abroad. Follow-up and guidance have
                    been provided by counsellors, particularly through the French Wondersurf website at
           Through His grace God blessed the project abundantly. Many were
                    saved, churches were established, vocations were born in hearts of young people, the
                    teams and the local churches enjoyed wonderful fellowship.
                    A few short testimonies:
                    •  In the Reformer John Calvin’s birth town in Picardie, there had been no Evangelical
                      church for over 500 years. Through various means, including prayers and witnessing,
                      God used the distribution of the Gospel Package, printed and provided by RMA over a
                      few years, to save families and establish a local church.
                    •  Corsica Island, situated in the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the French territories with
                      minimal Evangelical presence. Over a fourteen-year period, most of the population
                      received the Gospel Package of RMA. People were saved, baptised, and integrated into
                      small Christian communities. In the University town of Corte, God’s work resulted in
                      the birth of a strong Evangelical church.

                    •  The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris: This momentous occasion provided a golden
                      opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout France. With the
                      invaluable assistance of RMA, 122,000 copies of the Gospel of Luke-featuring a special
                      Olympic edition with Eric Liddell’s testimony-were distributed. Additionally, booklets
                      for children helped spread the message far and wide.
                    •  Commemorating World War II: The 80  anniversary of World War II was a remarkable
                      event for sharing hope through the Gospel. RMA printed thirty thousand special
                      editions of the Gospel of Luke, specifically focused on the war. In Normandy, where
                      the echoes of the war still resonate, many people had the opportunity to hear about the
                      peace that Jesus Christ brought to Europe and the entire world.
                    •  Tour de France: Over the past years, thousands of spectators at the Tour de France
                      bicycle competitions received the Good News. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to
                      RMA for making this possible by sending copies of the Gospel of Luke to France.
                    On a personal note, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with Samuel Adams and the
                    wonderful workers of RMA since Their unwavering faith, kind hearts, and wonderful
                    fellowship through emails and phone calls have been a tremendous blessing to me.
                    May God continue to bless you all.
                    Soli Deo Gloria. Glory to God alone.

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