Page 13 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 13


                  After attending the GNC Teacher Training L1 at the “International Network of Churches”, Walu
                  Bay in Suva last year (17  & 18  Feb 2023), Mrs. Ateca Korolala, was burdened and have that
                  passion to start GNC in her village in Rukuruku, Levuka town, Ovalau Island. She willingly
                  pledged and bought a GNC package.

                  After two weeks’ preparations she excitingly started GNC program with the children on a
                  Saturday, 5  March, 2024 with five children, yet to date, her number of children has increased
                  to Sister Ateca shared that the children enjoyed with excitement, the one-hour GNC program,
                  especially when they were taught memory verse, bible lessons (Esther & David), songs and review
                  games with visuals. This helps them to read, understand and learn God’s words, clearly, which led
                  them to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.

                  A five-year-old girl, Luse used to excitingly and clearly sing the song,

                  “S A L V A T I O N”, which she learnt during GNC, this year. Her preschool teacher marvelled
                  and stood in awe when she heard her singing her heart out with this song in school, fluently with
                  great biblical truth. Then she asked young Luse, “Where did you learn that song?” Luse answered,
                  “My GNC teacher taught us, with pictures.” Well, God touched her teacher’s heart through that
                  song, and let’s pray that God will lead her to Christ someday.

                  Parents in the village could not stop their children anymore from attending GNC and amazingly,
                  eleven children gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. They were invited in their church’s
                  mission Sunday last month to share their testimony and sing “SALVATION” song in which young
                  Luse lead them with the singing. The church elders witnessed what God is doing in the lives of
                  their children through GNC and now they’re supporting them, by encouraging more children to
                  attend GNC.

                  What a challenging and exciting experience for sister Ateca whilst God has blessed her with
                  two helpers for her GNC program in her village. She shared, “I’m so glad and blessed that God
                  allowed me to attend the 2 days CEF Seminar in Suva, so I can be useful for Him in my village

                  We give God the glory and the honour, for His work in the lives of our teachers and children
                  in Fiji.
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