Page 10 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 10


                    We are deeply grateful to the Revival Movement Association for printing and

                    shipping tracts, devotional books, flashcards, etc. to Sweden.
                    Thanks to you, we have been able to reach over 75,000 children with the Gospel
                    through Meet the King! booklets. For most of these children, this was the first time

                    they received an invitation to come to Christ.
                    We are also thankful for the families and children in Sweden, who have been using
                    Every Day With God books. Approximately 24,900 copies of these Bible reading
                    books have been sent earlier to churches, Christian organizations and families.
                    Now we have just started to distribute another 60,000 Every Day With God to
                    Christian children in Sweden.

                    Swedish boys and girls are very glad to have the books and enjoy reading them. A
                    teacher wrote: “Parents told me that their children loved the books. A father said
                    that his two kids were overjoyed. One mother said that her nine-year-old daughter
                    was so enthusiastic that she worked on a reading every evening and asked her
                    mother to help her.” A children’s worker wrote: “Parents have told me it is a great
                    step for their children to begin having a daily devotional time.”

                    May the Lord richly bless you and continue to use you for His glory!

                    Robert and Mia Åberg
                    Team Leaders, CEF Sweden

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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