Page 8 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
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                                    “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you ...

                                    for your fellowship in the gospel ...” (Philippians 1:3,5)

                         CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 75  ANNIVERSARY

                    Dear RMA,

                    We, at CEF Palau, want to express our great gratitude for your great part in our
                    ministry. Without your generous help through the attractive visuals, Bible lessons
                    and all that you produce for us we will not be able to teach effectively to the
                    children and to the teachers that we trained to teach them. For a small island nation
                    like ours we definitely have no other resources for our materials except the ones
                    that are coming from you that is really invaluable. I pray that the good Lord will
                    continue to prosper you and to make you successful in all the projects that are still
                    on the way.

                    Here are some pictures from last year’s distribution of booklets and lesson
                    materials and also the testimony of one teacher.
                    Once again, RMA, thank you for all your hard work! Together with your

                    partnership we will reach more and more children for Christ!
                    To God be the glory! Rejoicing with you,

                    Ms. Jho Maldangesang
                    National Director, CEF Palau

             “I thank the Lord for the materials, Bible lessons and especially the Gospel of John booklets. When we had
             an evangelistic party for kids, we distributed more than 100 booklets. That was not enough, so the children
             who were present on that night shared with the other kids in school that were not there. They asked for their
             own copy and Jho gave me more for the kids. The children said that the Gospel of John booklet helped them
             to learn more about Jesus and how to be a Christian in a language they can understand. As a new volunteer
              with CEF, the materials I used greatly helped me to clearly illustrate the story from the Bible. The beautiful

              artworks and pictures made my Bible lesson alive and exciting for the children. They want to touch it, look
              at it and enjoy it. Also the lessons are teacher-friendly that I can adapt to it in our own context. Thank you
              very much and may the Lord make you great.”

              Marion (school teacher, Sunday school teacher and CEF volunteer)

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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