Page 4 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
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A S I A   P A C I F I C

                    Congratulations on 75 years of service to the Lord Jesus Christ!

                    As Asia Pacific Region, we are eternally grateful for the
                    thirteen years you have shipped CEF Press® items to the
                    various countries of our region. It is such a blessing to have

                    the materials to distribute at our Teaching Children Effectively®
                    courses and the various training seminars for our Good News
                    Club® and 5-Day Club® teachers. Many of the teachers are not
                    able to afford to buy the materials for their clubs.
                    Thank you for joining us in the CEF® Asia Pacific Region to
                    reach Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.

                    Becky Bryant
                    Asia Pacific Literature Director

                                                    EAST AND CENTRAL AFRICA

                    Dear Revival Movement Association,

                    As I look back on how our teachers in the CEF region of East and Central Africa
                    used to struggle to afford to buy even one flashcard lesson series to use in the
                    ministry, there are no words to be able to thank you enough for how much you
                    have helped our staff, volunteers and children in the region. Now that we are able
                    to help them with teaching materials, they can effectively reach the children. As
                    a result of the literature for teachers and children you provide for us, millions of
                    children are being reached yearly in the region.

                    Congratulations on 75 years of ministry and may God continue to bless you in all
                    you do for His Kingdom!
                    Happy 75  anniversary and thank you so much for being part of the CEF ministry
                    by providing literature!

                    In His Vineyard,
                    Florence Aderi

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