Page 34 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 34


                    Nothing could replace the joy that filled my heart over these past twenty-four
                    years when I saw the pallets of “Irish Creamery Butter” boxes at the port, filled
                    with CEF materials, but even more to see the faces of children’s workers and, after
                    their training, to be able put in their hands Bible lessons, missionary stories, songs,
                    devotional books and tracts into their hands. The materials are second to none,
                    all with one purpose in mind - to reach the masses of children for Jesus with the
                    During the COVID pandemic, the Do You Wonder Why booklets reached far and
                    near and many families came to the Lord.

                    Sincere gratitude and appreciation to you, Samuel Adams and your faithful,
                    committed team for giving to the Lord 75 precious years to win the children of
                    Trinidad and Tobago for Jesus.
                    To God be the glory for His keeping power!

                    Rosemarie Brooker
                    Child Evangelism Fellowship of Trinidad and Tobago

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39