Page 38 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 38


                        GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR YOU, RMA, FOR 75 YEARS OF SERVING!

                   “In all my prayers for all of you, I always   “We ought always to thank God for you,
                   pray with joy because of your partnership   brothers, and rightly so…” (2 Thess. 1:3).
                   in the gospel from the first day until now.”   Paul’s words perfectly express our heart
                   (Phil.1:4-5)                                toward you, brothers from the RMA!

                   Thank you for blessing the CEF Romania      Thank you for caring for the souls of the 3.4
                   team with many beautiful materials that     million children in Romania.
                   made our work so much easier.
                                                               “God is not unjust; He will not forget your
                   Thank you for the Christmas booklets Meet   work and the love you have shown Him as
                   the King! and The Greatest Celebration—year   you have helped His people and continue to
                   by year they are distributed in schools and   help them.” (Heb. 6:10)
                   kindergartens, telling children the true    Thank you that we meet people who have
                   meaning of Christmas.
                                                               been transformed by God’s Word because
                   Thank you for the missionary lessons—they   you cared enough to send Gospel literature
                   are the children’s delight in many camps.   for distribution.
                   Thank you for the Gospel of John and the    Thank you for giving us materials that we
                   Gospel of Luke—they were distributed in     can put into the hands of volunteers.
                   thousands of homes in several counties in   Millions of tracts have been many given out
                                                               across the country.
                   Thank you for choosing to become “rich      We have materials in our own language!
                   toward God”—Luke 12. We are grateful
                   that many pre-schoolers could find out      Children and young people were taught to
                   about creation, prayer, God’s promises etc.,   love God’s Word.
                   through the attractive materials you sent us.  CEF workers had the tools to do the job!

                   Every Day with God—6 volumes of             Cristina is now a CEF worker because she
                   devotions that delight even us, the         received a tract as a child!
                   grownups! Thank you!
                                                               Manuala is a volunteer because she received
                   Turned Around is the lesson used during     The Wonder Book as a child.
                   this year’s Good News across Romania
                   campaign. Because of your generosity, over   We love you in the Lord and pray that He
                   1,000 children in Olt County heard that they   will bless you. Thank you for “working hard
                   can turn to God.                            in the Lord” (Rom. 16:12), for 75 years.
                                                               Many children learn visually. Thank you for
                   One material you printed for us is God’s
                   faithfulness—Return to Canaan. Looking      all the visuals that made the Bible lessons
                   at your 75 years of ministry, we see such a   come to life for many children.
                   story of faithfulness. Thank you.

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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