Page 40 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 40


                    Dear RMA Team,

                    We really appreciate for your efforts to reach lost and we thank you very much for
                    supporting CEF ministry in Malta by sending Boxes of Book (Gospel booklets,
                    Bible lessons, Gospel of John and devotional books). This material is a great help to
                    share the Gospel, to disciple children and to help them grow in their relationship

                    with God.

                    We thank for His guidance and wisdom for ministry work, and He keeps opening
                    door to reach each Child in Malta.

                    After the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, as world was in shock, we started
                    sharing Gospel though our Gospel tack Do You Wonder Why? We had already been

                    prepared by God, as we got these Gospel tracks in December 2022 and we were
                    already distributing them to children. I am sure that was God’s plan, as children
                    will know it before they ask why an earthquake has happened in the world.

                    We planned a Bible quiz competition series to help children and learn and

                    memorize God Word. Our second Bible quiz competition was in September 2023
                    a week before school started. It was great opportunity which the children enjoyed
                    and we shared the Gospel with them through the lesson The Ice Cream MESSage.

                    I praise God as he knows the desires of our hearts. Each year Malta holds a trade

                    fair for a week and a lot of people visit it. I always had the desire to have a stall at
                    the trade fair, but that costs 100 euro each day. Then I heard about a volunteer
                    organisation which has a stall for couple of days at no charge. I quickly applied for
                    it and in 2023 and 2024 we had stall where we could share our ministry with trade

                    fair visitors and we had a Gospel track for distribution, story telling session (Bible
                    lesson), free devotional books for children, colouring, etc.

                    Mehmood Chuhan
                    National Director

                    CEF Malta

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45