Page 44 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 44

S O U T H   A F R I C A

                                                                     ‘Dries Volschenk
                                                                     Acting national director
                                                                     69 OR Tambo street
                                                                     Tel,: +27 66 371 4494

                       Dear friends at the Revival Movement
                                                                                        21 August 2024
                       Words are not enough to thank you for the thousands of pieces of literature
                       we received as a gift from you to be able to equip our workers in their
                      Dear friends at the Revival Movement
                       effort to reach as many children as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
                      Words are not enough to thank you for the thousands of pieces of literature we received as a gift
                       Without your generosity many boys and girls would not have heard and read
                      from you to be able to equip our workers in their effort to reach as many children as possible with
                      the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without your generosity many boys and girls would not have heard and
                       the Good News. and many teachers would not have been able to bring it to
                      read the Good News. and many teachers would not have been able to bring it to them as they could
                      not afford the material for their Good News Clubs. One day in heaven you will hear many young
                       them as they could not afford the material for their Good News Clubs. One
                      voices saying, “Thank you!”
                       day in heaven you will hear many young voices saying, “Thank you!”
                      May the Lord bless you indeed and not only show you a small window of what He has done with
                       May the Lord bless you indeed and not only show you a small window
                      your gifts, but also give you many more years of service in His Kingdom! May you keep on hearing
                      more and more testimonies of the fruit of this ministry.
                       of what He has done with your gifts, but also give you many more years
                      A big thank you from the whole team of CEF South Africa!!!
                       of service in His Kingdom! May you keep on hearing more and more
                       testimonies of the fruit of this ministry.
                      ‘Dries Volschenk
                      Acting National director CEFSA
                       A big thank you from the whole team of CEF South Africa!!!

                       ‘Dries Volschenk

                       Acting National director CEFSA

                                                 Reaching Children worldwide
                                              Every Child Every Nation Every Day

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49