Page 46 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 46


                                                                                      21 August 2024

                       Dear friends,

                       I remember the days when we had to buy our books from Warrenton. It was
                       expensive, although we have got it at a reduced price. The other day a lady from
                       a big city in our country called me to find out what are the prices of our
                       literature. She just paid R600 ($34) for a teacher’s guide and a flashcard,
                       shipment included.

                       I realised the tremendous change that came when Revival Movement
                       Association (RMA) started to come alongside us to help with literature. We are
                       very privileged to have RMA with us. Now so many teachers can have their own

                       material and prepare their lessons well.

                       One of the biggest blessings I see among the children is that they also have their
                       own devotional books. This causes for a child to have a personal relationship
                       with the Lord as they are studying the Word everyday.

                       Thank you, RMA! From all over our Region I receive good reports. Teachers are
                       bringing the Good News to children wherever they are. The children hear the
                       Good News in their own language, and they can learn that the Lord loves them

                       and has done everything for them to be saved from their sins.

                       May we have a long relationship with you where we can bring the Good News to
                       many more children. Praying for the 100 million children that we can reach,
                       together into the future.


                       Rev Kobus Viljoen
                       Regional Literature Director
                       CEF® Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Region

                                                International Office:
                           Regional Office: Cell: +258 84 405 5060, Maputo, Mozambique
                         Regional Literature Office: Cell: 082 336 9488, Strand 7140. South Africa

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51