Page 50 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 50


                    Dear Revival Movement Association,

                    I write to extend CEF Liberia’s appreciation to RMA through your office for these
                    instructional materials that have been so helpful to our teachers and children.

                    These Materials have been a great spiritual help to the boys and girls of our
                    churches and schools. As I write, Vacation Bible School is going on in five cities in

                    Some of these materials are used as text books in public and private schools while
                    others are being used for GNCs, 5-Day Clubs, Camps and CYIA.

                    We had a week of training for these teachers before sending them out in the
                    counties with these materials.

                    Parents, Guardians and our teachers highly appreciate the RMA Materials every
                    Many parents testified of the changes they see in the lives of their children as a

                    result of these materials. Some of these parents told us many times that they use
                    their children’s text books as devotional books in their homes.
                    Please extend our thanks and appreciation to all the donors, producers, and
                    everyone who are making these materials available to us. May the Lord multiply
                    what you spent and help you continue this good work you are doing for I know the
                    enemy is not happy.

                    Pray with us as we use them and pray that it will make great impact on the lives of
                    these kids.

                    Thanks so much!

                    Good day and I wish you God’s richest blessings.

                    Tom Telyon Logan

                    National Director, CEF Liberia

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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