Page 48 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 48


                    Dear Revival Movement Association,

                    We would like to thank and appreciate RMA from the day you started assisting
                    Lesotho with literature. Our work has become easier as we can now reach
                    children in different ways. You help us to reach different kinds of children to teach
                    according to their age.

                    These materials have brought more understanding between us and the children
                    that we teach, as it becomes easy for them to understand what they are being
                    taught. Children develop an interest and passion for the Word of God when they
                    are taught it.

                    RMA helps most by providing books which help children to grow up open-minded

                    and helps them spiritually and mentally with the information they get from the
                    books we have received from RMA.

                    The books from RMA help teachers a lot. They guide them property and give them
                    skills on how to organize and know how to teach different children with different

                    attitudes and understandings.

                    As we reach different children across the country. There were different testimonies
                    given by some children regarding on how they have received the teaching they got
                    from the books in different ways.

                    Some say, “We have learned how to handle hard situation we get in life,” or, “Now
                    we know how to show others mercy and respect their desire.” Others show that

                    their lives had become so easy and blessed, as God gives them strength to face and
                    obstacles they got in life. This shows that RMA has a large impact on children’s
                    lives and on teachers.

                    Lesotho is blessed to have RMA as its source of literature. We are thankful for the

                    work you do to soften all the evangelical teaching which takes place in our country.

                    CEF Lesotho

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53