Page 52 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
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                                                                                CHILD EVANGELISM FELLOWSHIP

                                                                             P.O.BOX 6746 Moshi, Tanzania


                                                                                         Aug, 15 2024.

                                            RE: A LETTER OF APPRECIATION

                  Dear Esteemed and incredibly valuable partners, Revival Movement Association.

                  Greetings in the name of our wonderful and Mighty Savior, Jesus Christ

                  We  would  like  to humbly praise and thank  God  for  the exceptionally  remarkable
                  mission you do to further his kingdom. We are among the wide community of your
                  mission’s beneficiaries who never cease to pray for and about your ministry.

                  We join you as you celebrate a special 75  anniversary. It surely has been a long but
                  successful journey  in the  Lord. Your  mission has  significantly impacted the  Child
                  Evangelism Fellowship (CEF’s) ministry growth in Tanzania. The teaching and learning
                  materials that have been shipped to Tanzania every now and then are what encourage
                  people of God to engage themselves in the ministry to extend God’s kingdom through
                  teaching young children. We  have been receiving flash cards. These help both
                  instructors as  well  as teachers  in  the trainings.  The demonstrations are  made
                  effectively, hence, children are  well taught about  Jesus. We  have further received
                  literature  materials  for several ministries  including Christmas  Party  Club  (CPC),
                  Children Reaching Children (CRC), Wonder Devotional Books, The Gospel of John, to
                  mention just a few. These literature materials have substantially expand the ministry
                  in Tanzania as in 2023 there have been an increase of approximately 5114 new clubs
                  for different  ministries. These include  624 Good News  Clubs, 315  Church Related
                  Good News Clubs, 23 Rally, 78 School Good News Clubs and 15 preschool Good News

                  We celebrate and pray that these 75 years be just a continuation of many more years
                  to come  as  you faithfully and  jolly serve  the  Lord  through distributing Christian
                  materials to his people.
                  Christina Mbwambo,
                  CEF Tanzania.

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57