Page 42 - RMA 75 anniversary book CEF
P. 42


                    We would like to thank our sponsors for the great support in bringing these

                    materials to us which we have been using currently and in some previous years

                    Wow. J The materials have clearly helped us as teachers in explaining the Gospel
                    truths on the child’s level of biblical understanding. The Bible lessons books we

                    receives is fully packed with memory verses, songs, fully prepared Bible lessons
                    and games as well. Hence we don’t struggle to find what we should teach next
                    because the curriculum guide is already being prepared before hand as for us is just

                    to follow through and add something if necessary for our Zambian culture.

                    They have also helped us to have a well organized biblical lessons for a particular
                    class. For example, when going to teach a Christmas Party Club, Good News Club,
                    Easter Club or Sunday school we find that in one book material we will have

                    everything we need specifically for that particular club.

                    We have been well equipped with flashcards for each lesson and a teachers’ guide
                    with Bible references, lesson plan curriculum and other interesting ideas which
                    involves children as the learning is going on that has been really helpful.

                    The visual booklets which come with colourful pictures helps us to teach
                    preschoolers and young children in such a way that they easily understand the

                    lessons we are teaching them. While enjoying the colourful visuals view, fun
                    games, action songs and visual colourful memory verses. That has been interesting
                    and to those children whom we reach in schools, streets, communities, etc. Many

                    of them don’t have a Bible so we give them a Wonder Devotional Book or Every Day
                    With God which helps their faith to grow in Christ and maintain their relationship
                    with God through daily devotion even knowing how to pray.

                    Thank you very much.

                    Mutambo James Ndola North

                    CEF Ministry Coordinator in Mapalo Community Area, Zambia

                          CELEBRA TING        YEARS  |  R EVIV A L  MO VEM ENT A S SOCIA TION
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