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NYSAPLS Legislative Committee’s
        NYSAPLS Legislative Committee’s

        End of Session Report: 2023
        End of Session Report: 2023

          The 2023 New York State Legislative Session ended in early   been around for many years but has never moved. While it does
        June and is scheduled to reconvene in January 2024. This year   not currently have a companion in the Senate, there has been
        was the 1st year of the 2-year legislative session, therefore all   one in the past. NYSAPLS has long supported this legislation and
        bills will be reintroduced in January. During the 2023 legislative   continues to do so.
        session, approximately 14,916 bills were introduced, while only     A.5203/S.4481 (Assemblymember Shimsky and
        839 of those were passed by both                             Senator Gallivan) – prohibits use of a drone within 1,000
        houses of the legislature. NYSAPLS                                            feet of a correctional facility where that
        follows the status of over 100                                                 drone is operated by a private
        individual bills, however the                                                   individual; the bill would also
        majority may never see                                                          establish a civil penalty of $1,000 for
        any movement.                                                                    the first offense and a misdemeanor
                                                                                          for each subsequent offense. This
        2023 Bill Highlights                                                              bill, referred to the Assembly’s
          A.3089                                                                          Correction Committee and the
           (Assemblymember                                                                  Senate’s Crime Victims, Crime
           Jodi Giglio) – requires                                                          and Corrections Committee has
           every professional                                                                not moved in either house of
           engineer, land surveyor                                                            the legislature. NYSAPLS
           and professional                                                                    supports this legislation as
           geologist who finds a                                                               written.
           structural defect, fault,
           or other issue with                                                                    S.6281 (Senator
           any type of structure                                                                   Sepulveda) –
           to report the issue to the municipality                                                 permits individuals
           in which the structure is located within 48                                             enrolled in the federal
           hours of discovering such issue. This bill                                              deferred action for
                                                                                                   childhood arrivals
           has been referred to the Higher                                                         (DACA) program to
           Education Committee in the Assembly                                                     apply for professional
           but has not moved. NYSAPLS does not                                                     licenses in New York
           support this legislation because it is                                                  State. This bill has been
           not part of a land surveyors’                                                           referred to the Senate
           scope of practice to locate                                                             Higher Education
           structural faults. We will continue                                                      Committee but has not
           to monitor this legislation for                                                        moved. NYSAPLS has
           progress but are encouraged to                                                         no objection to
           see that, at this time, there is no companion bill in the Senate                       this legislation.
           and the legislation has not moved.
                                                                  A.4464 (Assemblyman Epstein) – requires that, whenever
          A.4549(Assemblymember Pretlow) – creates a statute of   there is a continuing education course offered through remote
           limitations for actions against professional engineers, architects,   means with a visual or auditory prompt for participants to
           landscape architects, land surveyors and construction   respond to as proof of attendance, people with disabilities shall
           contractors, establishing a 10-year statute of repose for personal   be given an adequate length of time to view and respond to
           injury or wrongful death actions brought against those   such prompt. The bill would also create a requirement that all
           professions. The bill would also establish an accrual date as the   remote programs for mandatory continuing education courses
           date of completion of a project and allow for a one-year   conform to the most recent guidelines for website content
           extension of the statute of limitations in certain instances. This   accessibility guidelines and imposes a $1,000 civil penalty for
           bill, referred to the Assembly’s Higher Education Committee, has

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