Page 7 - NYS_ESS_09-2023
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LS PAC Committee: The committee continues to stay current before developing a full plan for 2024. The committee is scheduled to
on their regular filings with the NYS Board of Elections. If you are meet again in the beginning of September.
interested in making a financial donation, please visit In addition to our committees’ progress, many other important items were discussed at the July Board Meeting. You can find more
Nominations: The committee has not met this month. However, if details on the meeting in the secretary’s minutes on page 28.
you have someone in mind that may make a good officer or award
candidate in the future, please be sure to reach out to our office. Did you know?
You can find a copy of recent committee minutes on our
Public Relations: The PR committee met on June 29th. They website. Each committee has a webpage with the last couple
reviewed the current status of their 2nd quarter campaigns on years of minutes listed along with additional member references.
Surveying Renewable Energy Projects and Workforce Development. You can view the committee pages from our homepage About
They have also launched their 3rd quarter campaigns on Summer of Us Committees. In addition, I post an overview of committee
Surveying & Benchmark Hunt. The PR Committee encourages you to updates in our news section of our website monthly.
search for benchmarks and report them on the NGS website. Also, be
sure to send a picture of your finds to NYSAPLS so we can share it on Are you interested in becoming more actively involved?
social media! The committee plans to meet again August 31st. We are looking for members to share their “stories” and help us
promote the profession. Did you company recently work on an
Strategic Planning Committee: The committee met on July 11th.
interesting project? Did your regional get together to help out the
They reviewed the committees’ tasks progress and the list of members
community? Did your son or daughter earn a Surveying Merit
to be appointed to the Workforce Committee at the July 21st Board
Badge? Are you mentoring a student over the summer with an
meeting. In addition, they reworded task 2.2.3 to clearly define the
internship? Help us get out the word on how land surveying is
purpose of the task. They also had a lengthy discussion on the health
important to the community! Contact Heather Schultz to share your
of regionals related to Board strategic task 6.1.9 “Explore
opportunities to restructure Regionals so that people can join nearby
active Regionals”. They will engage the board at the July meeting on A friendly reminder, your membership dues renewal invoice for the
how to best approach this task. View the committee’s progress and the 2023-2024 membership period was sent in June. If you haven’t
strategic plan and goals here. already, please take a moment to renew your membership for another
year either online or by sending your payment to our office. In the
Young Professionals Committee: The committee met on July 27th.
Brandon Schnurer attended as a guest. He will be retiring from the meantime, if there is something on your mind or a professional matter
military next year and is interested in starting a career in Land Surveying. we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to call our office.
The committee used the opportunity to review the skills he acquired in PS – Want to see your article published in our member magazine?
the military and how they translate to surveying. They committee also Email me your ideas,
encourage Brandon to attend the 2024 Conference and keep in contact Have a safe and healthy fall!
with committee member Jason Peterson as he continues to explore the
surveying profession. The committee focused on preparations for the
Young Professionals & Alumni Social for conference, as well as the Field Amber Carpenter
Olympics. The committee continued to explore the value of attending Managing Director
local town and county fairs and will be asking regionals for feedback,
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