Page 6 - NYS_ESS_09-2023
P. 6

[ message from
                  headquarters ]

                              I hope you all had a great summer! Over the summer   be considered to provide guidance to the committee.
                            months, your headquarters staff, committees and board   They reviewed current case files. In addition, they intend
                            of directors kept busy with several ongoing projects:  to follow-up on a meeting request sent to the NYS Office
                              Here’s the latest updates (as of August 15th)   of Professional Discipline to present an overview of the
                            from your NYSAPLS’ Committees, Board of      enforcement process at OPD and a Q&A session with the
                            Directors and HQ Staff:                      committee. Their next meeting is scheduled for
                                                                         September 12th.
                              Executive Board: The board met virtually on August
                            15th. They reviewed the overall association’s finances   Finance Committee: The committee met last on June
                            and received committee updates from several of the   9th. They invited our accountant to the meeting to review
                            committees (see committee updates below). In addition,   our balance sheet, our investment accounting and to
                            they discussed their strategic tasks and how to promote   discuss our draft unrestricted funds policy. Afterward, the
                            and encourage the health of our Regionals. Their next   committee reviewed and finalized their wording for the
                            meeting is scheduled for September 15th at the Embassy   draft policy. The draft was shared with the board of
                            Suites in Saratoga Springs.                  directors at their July 21st meeting. The directors were

                              Board of Directors: The board met virtually on July   asked to share the policy with their members for their
                            21st. You can find the minutes of the meeting on page 24.   review and feedback at the September board meeting.
                            Their next meeting is scheduled for September 15th at   Legislative Committee: The committee recently
                            the Embassy Suites in Saratoga Springs.      updated their committee’s webpage to share the bills
                              Conference Committee: The committee met in   directly affecting the profession on the committee’s
                            Saratoga Springs on July 27th. They toured the Saratoga   webpage with a brief description from counsel. You can
                            Hilton as well as the Saratoga Springs City Center and   check it out here. Please feel free to email amber@
                            were brought up to date on any updates to the facilities with your feedback and comments for the
                            since our last conference in 2019. Other than general   committee. In addition, the committee recently sent an
                            refresh and upkeep to the hotel and meeting spaces, a   end of session e-newsletter. You can find their end of
                            large parking garage with over 600 parking spaces has   session update on page 10.
                            been constructed including an enclosed heated walkway   Membership Committee: The committee met on
                            connecting the garage to the City Center. Saratoga is one   July 10th and reviewed the membership reports and
                            of the few locations the committee is considering for the   progress on the 2023-2024 dues renewals. The
                            location of the 2026 conference. The committee also   committee also discussed organizing an NYSAPLS social
                            discussed details for the 2024 conference and decided   event for summer 2024. The committee will begin
                            on the giveaway… more details to come soon!  researching past NYSAPLS Golf Outings and put together

                              DOT Relations Committee: The committee is   a proposed budget and plan to be shared with the
                            currently planning their next meeting date.  Finance Committee. The committee continues to work on

                              Education Committee: The committee met on   improving the “Find a Surveyor” function on the NYSAPLS
                            August 8th to finalize the conference grid and webinars   website and possibly adding a new member benefit
                            for the rest of 2024. The committee is working on setting   through Retrieve Technology. The committee meets again
                            up a joint meeting with the Shaw Reviewers and Eric   on August 28th.
                            Greppo to discuss the CE requirement and approval   Minimum Technical Standards (MTS) Committee:
                            process. The committee will meet again on September 5th.   The committee met on July 11th. They reviewed and

                              Ethics Committee: The committee met on July 19th.   discussed their strategic tasks. The committee was invited
                            The committee reviewed the Office of Professional   to attend the Central NY regional meeting in Syracuse. Roy
                            Discipline’s (OPD) website to review if any recent   will attend to represent the committee. They also
                            enforcement actions were taken. The committee would   discussed collecting articles on monumentation and
                            like to engage the NYSAPLS board on if/when the EPC   retracement from around the nation to review, share with
                            should act if an enforcement action involves a NYSAPLS   members and keep on file for their reference. The
                            member and if the creation of a set of procedures should   committee’s next meeting is scheduled for August 29th.

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