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        President and CEO
        Roy B. Garfinkel, LS                    [ president’s message ]
        Executive Board
        Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
         Executive Vice President                                Hey Roy – What the heck are you working on?
        Steven J. Willard, LS                                      Well, I am glad you asked! Personally, I am busy with my daily
         Vice President
        Scott A. Gillis, LS, Treasurer                           juggling act at Foit-Albert Associates and trying to enjoy my summer
        Scott B. Allen, LS, Secretary                            with some golf and fishing when time allows. As far as NYSAPLS stuff,
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                                     I have my hands in a few different things these days. Recently, I have
         Executive Director                                      had the pleasure to join a few teleconference meetings with Eric
                                                                 Greppo, PE. Eric is the new Executive Secretary for the New York
        Board of Trustees
        Robert R. Allen, LS                                      State Board for Engineering, Land Surveying, and Geology
        J. Steven Boddecker, LS             (NYSBELSG). With this new leadership at NYSBELSG we have been able to grow our relationship
        Patricia P. Brooks, LS              and expand communications regarding Land Surveying issues and the prospect of the Board
        Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE         reviewing and commenting on our draft Minimum Technical Standards (MTS). Eric also
        John R. Ennis, LS
        R. Ronald Kreiling, LS              mentioned the Board is seeking new land surveyor candidates to sit on the Board and has asked
        Joseph G. Malinowski, LS            NYSAPLS to help spread the word. So, if you or someone you know is interested in serving on
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                NYSBELSG, please reach out to Eric and apply. Eric has invited me to attend the next NYSBELSG
        Daren L. Morgan, LS                 quarterly board meeting in September; I plan on attending.
        Robert A. Smith, LS
        Edwin A. Summerhays, LS               I have also been staying involved with our ad hoc DOT Relations Committee which has been
        Gary L. Thompson, LS                continuing its efforts to work with the NYSDOT to establish a more proficient method for land
        Glennon J. Watson, LS               surveyors and the general public to procure appropriation mapping and other pertinent items of
        Marie T. Welch, LS
                                            record. The NYSDOT did provide us with files of the appropriation record information for
        NYSAPLS Headquarters                Albany County. Our committee is collaborating with some members of the NYS GIS Association to
        146 Washington Avenue               find ways to organize and disseminate these files efficiently and hopefully integrate them into a
        Land Surveyors Building             GIS platform. Recently, I had a conversation with Suzie Knauss, NYS GIS Association President,
        Albany, NY 12210
        518-432-4046                        who has been working closely with our committee. We came up with the idea of having a “part                     two” of the LS-GIS roundtable that was held at our last NYSAPLS Conference. A continuation of                    discussions for how our two professions can work together in the future, with the DOT relations
        Editor-in-Chief &                   initiative being the main topic and a great example of what we can accomplish working together.
        Managing Director                   This session will be held on September 24th, 2023, at the NYS GeoCon in Albany with the intent
        Amber Carpenter                     to gain support and momentum for the NYSDOT initiative. You can find more details or register                   for the event by visiting
        Director of Operations                I continue to participate with the MTS Committee in promoting the advancement of the
        Heather Schultz                 proposed standards draft document, while we are waiting to receive comments from NYSBELSG.
                                            Recently, I attended a meeting hosted by our Central New York regional to discuss the MTS and
        Administrative Assistant            to address questions and concerns. The meeting was well attended and discussions were
        Sharon O'Brien                  positive and supportive.
                                              This year, as part of our association’s 3-year strategic plan, we have established a new ad hoc
                                            Workforce Development Committee. Their purpose, to address what seems to be perhaps the
        Affiliated Associations
        Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes-  largest issue presently plaguing our profession: how do we beef up our workforce, how can we
        sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley   address the lack of upcoming surveyors at a time when we seem to have more potential work
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors   than ever? Steve Boddecker, LS, has stepped up to chair this committee. I’m looking forward to
        | Catskill Area Association of Land Sur-
        veyors | Central New York Society of Land   working with him and the committee to help NYSAPLS find ways to address this important issue.
        Surveyors | City Surveyors Association   In a connected realm to workforce improvements, Steve and I are currently working on setting
        of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson
        Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern   up regular CST Spring and Fall exam sessions at our company’s offices. Foit-Albert Associates
        New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc |   will be holding the first exam this September 29th at our Buffalo office and Fisher Associates will
        Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association   be working on holding an exam session at their Buffalo or Rochester office in the Spring. These
        | Long Island Association of Land Surveyors
        Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of   exam sessions will be open to all applied and received confirmation to sit for the for CST exam.
        Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of
        Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk   So, that’s what I have been up to. I hope you all had a great summer! Fall is coming and I am
        Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land   looking forward to ramping things up even more in the world of NYSAPLS! Oh yeah and, GO
        Surveyors Association | Northern New York   BILLS!!!!!!!
        Association of Land Surveyors | Southern
        Finger Lakes Association of Professional
        Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association
        of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association
        of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam   Roy B. Garfinkel, LS
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors  NYSAPLS President
                                         EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 59 • NO 5 2023 • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER   3
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