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Expand Your Horizons: Become a CST
By Amber Carpenter, NYSAPLS Managing Director
It’s no secret. There’s a reason New York is one of the top 5 states surveying tasks at a specified technical level. Certification provides the
with the most CSTs: The program is helping technicians fine tune their individual with a sense of achievement since it reflects advancement in
skillset, climb career ladders, increase their salaries, and receive the field of surveying. Certification also provides employers with a
recognition amongst their peers, co-workers and clients. method of determining job assignments and advancement, since
certification is an indication of one’s ability to perform specific job tasks.
Since Richard Brooks, LS, took over as CST Program Coordinator for
New York in 2009, the Use as an
number of CSTs has
increased from 9 to 151 and Assessment Tool
is continuing to rise annually The CST exam can be used
as more and more see the as an excellent outcomes
value and benefit in the assessment tool for courses,
program. “Surveying programs, and schools. The
companies are gaining a CST program can be used to
competitive advantage by satisfy accreditation
making CST Certification ‘the requirements. Private
new normal’ expectation for industry can also use the CST
their surveying technicians”, program as an assessment
notes Mr. Brooks. tool for promotions, human
resources evaluations, and
Are you or someone in career advancement
your office looking to and recognition.
become certified? Or
possibly you are looking to encourage your staff to refine their skills and Who is Using CST?
invest in their future? Well let’s break it down a bit and explore what the Many private firms and public agencies are using the CST Program to
program is, why it is valuable, what it costs and how to prepare. encourage their employees to improve themselves and advance (“it’s
not just a job, it’s a career”). Successfully completing one of the levels
What is the CST Program? provides incentives for bonuses or promotions. In addition the firms
The Certified Survey Technician (CST) is a comprehensive national can use the fact that their staff are certified for their own promotion to
certification program for survey technicians, and is sponsored by the potential clients and responding to Requests for Qualifications (RFQ’s).
National Society of Professional Surveyors. The Certified Survey In addition, many college programs are using the CST Program as
Technician Board administers the program, which is intended to an “Outcome Assessment” measure to assess how their program is
gauge technical capabilities and general knowledge of workplace preparing the students for the industry.
safety and procedures. Four levels of certification are offered in two
primary tracks – field and office. Certification is by examination, How do Applicants Prepare for the Exam?
which must be monitored by an approved Proctor. • The CST exam is a timed multiple-choice exam, if you haven’t taken
one in a while get some practice by taking the Sample Exams Level
The Goals of the CST Program are: I or II or III on the CST website.
• Recognizing the important contribution that technicians provide • The exam is also an open book test so bring at least the three
to the surveying and mapping profession. recommended books and know how to look things up in the books
• Providing credentials to technicians. by using the index.
• Providing a career ladder for technicians. • Be certain to have a calculator like the TI 36X during the exams,
• Providing firms who support and utilize certified technicians a and know how to use it.
way to evaluate applicants and an opportunity to promote the fact • Study the work elements listed for the level you are taking.
that their technical staff is certified. View the Program Book (,
pages 8 – 11.
• Identifying those who have achieved specific technical competencies
• And don’t only expect questions like the sample test – see the CST
• Providing use as an assessment tool.
Board Statement (
The Value of Certification exams/), as well.
Certification as a survey technician is official recognition by NSPS that • Review the “Setting up a CST Training Program/How to Study” PDF on
a person has demonstrated that he or she is competent to perform the CST website (