Page 11 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 11

Course Descriptions
                                   Course Descriptions

                                                                Consumer Satisfaction Through
        Wednesday, January 19, 2022                             Contract Monitoring
                                                                NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
                                                                William E. Beardslee, LS, PE, PP
        ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey                             1:30pm – 3:00pm
        NY LS/PE: 2.0; NH .5; VT 2.0; NJ 2.0                    This course serves to enlighten land surveying professionals
                                                                with an important concept: Protect consumers by adhering to
        Gary R. Kent, PS
        8:00am – 10:00am                                        the details and conditions of your contract with them. Nothing
                                                                creates a better relation with consumers than having them
        This program will provide an overview of the changes to the   say, at the end of a contract, “you did everything you said you
        ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Standards that became       would.” Monitoring the application of the project contract
        effective on February 23, 2021. The focus will be on the most   requirements to the production process of the project signifies
        substantive modifications to the standards including in the   a true Professional.
        field collection of easement and utility information, the
        treatment of utilities and easements on the survey map,   How to be an Expert Witness
        dealing with easements identified but not listed in Schedule   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        BII, and significant changes to, and deletions, from Table A.  Richard C. Brooks, LS
                                                                1:30pm – 3:00pm
        Meeting Consumer Needs Through                          The term “witness” in its strict legal sense, means “one who
        Project Scoping                                         gives evidence in a cause before a court”. This presentation
        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5                   will acquaint the attendee with types and functions of the
        William E. Beardslee, LS, PE, PP                        witness classifications. Whether you are hired as an
        11:00am – 12:30pm                                       extraordinarily qualified Surveyor (expert witness) or you are
        This course serves to enlighten land surveying professionals   subpoenaed to produce your Survey records to the court
        with an important concept: to help them now “know what they   (hostile witness) you need to know the expectations that the
        don’t know.” Listening to consumer needs and then creating   law applies to your testimony. It will be impressed upon the
        the scope of the project is becoming a lost art due to the   attendee that passing the licensing exam does not qualify you
        advent of technology, but it is a most critical step to protect   as an expert. We will discuss how to position yourself to be
        consumers and avoid misunderstandings that lead to      recognized as an expert and then how to prepare the critical
        complaints and litigation.                              CV (Curriculum Vitae). We will discuss how the courts can
                                                                solely rely on the better qualified expert’s opinion to base their
        Managing Safety: OSHA Regulations                       decision, including a review of the Mohonk Preserve Inc. vs
        and a Health and Safety Plan                            Ullrich case that will be used to demonstrate this fact. The key
        NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5                   points of presenting your boundary line survey to the court will
        Donna S. Haley                                          also be reviewed.
        11:00am – 12:30pm
        This course will cover mandatory OSHA’s regulations and
        the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) designed for Land
        Surveyors. Personal protective equipment, chemical
        hazard communication and construction site safety will be
        discussed, as well as why developing and implementing a
        Health and Safety Plan is beneficial to a surveyor’s
        business. Attendees will have the opportunity throughout
        the session to learn about what applies to their specific
        business, how to develop a HASP for their own company
        and freely ask questions to further their understanding of
        the safety requirements of COVID-19 and related needs
        and benefits.

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