Page 13 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 13

Course Descriptions
                                   Course Descriptions

        Thursday, January 20, 2022
                                                                When it’s Time to Go: Protecting
                                                                Consumers When Retiring or Selling
        Math for Land Surveyors                                 NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        NY LS/PE: 2.0; NH .5; VT 2.0; NJ 2.0                    William E. Beardslee, LS, PE, PP
        Lemuel Morrison, LS                                     11:00am – 12:30pm
        8:00am – 10:00am                                        As surveyors age, retirement from a large company or
        This session is intended for both new entrants to the surveying   selling the business in a small company become major
        field and more established practitioners who want to better   topics. Protecting the privacy and rights of the consumer
        understand the results from software. While attendees are   are very important for many reasons, including retaining
        expected to have a working knowledge of basic survey math   the client for the future of the company. The Consumer Bill
        functions, a brief review will be provided, including the   of Rights requires a consumer to receive competent
        following: basic geometry, trigonometry, coordinate geometry,   professional services, which includes protection of their
        bearings and azimuths, curve functions and statistics. The   privacy and continuation of professional services through a
        attendees will be provided with real-world survey problems   transition. The options for transition will be discussed,
        which will need to be solved.                           along with the importance of timely notification to
        This is a hands-on session where the attendees will spend   consumers of the transition. Assembling a transition team,
                                                                preparation for a transition, and important items for
        the majority of the course working thru real-world survey   selection of suitor will be discussed.
        problems. The mode of solution will be Excel and how to
        apply the functions. Each attendee should have access to a   GNSS & Geodesy
        method of calculation (e.g. Trig calculator, or a computer)   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        that they are familiar with. Access to a computer with Excel   Nicholas B. Ford, LS
        (or similar) is strongly recommended. The outcome of this   11:00am – 12:30pm
        course will include worksheets the user can keep for future
        reference and application.                              This course is designed to give a basic understanding
                                                                between the relationship between GNSS aka GPS and
        Got a Drone, Now What?                                  geodesy. Topics covered will include how GNSS operates
        Mapping with your UAV                                   to solve for positions, basic concepts of geodesy such
        NY LS/PE: 2.0; NH .5; VT 2.0; NJ 2.0                    as ellipsoids; geoids; and projections, and how GNSS
        Jeffrey Hatzel                                          utilizes these concepts to generate a position on the face
        8:00am – 10:00am                                        of the Earth.
        The rapid emergence and proliferation of drones is having a   Professional Ethics:
        profound impact on our lives and nowhere is this seen more   Protecting Your Profession
        clearly than in the field of mapping. Both 2D and 3D mapping   NY LS/PE: 1.5; NH .25; VT 1.5; NJ 1.5
        projects stand to benefit from the on-demand data collection   Richard C. Brooks, LS
        capabilities of this versatile technology. In this presentation,   1:30pm – 3:00pm
        we will explore several map-based workflows that take
        advantage of UAV-collected data for visualization and   Professional Ethics is the study of ethical principles and of
        analysis. Beginning the presentation, we will process   ethical problems in the professional world. This
        overlapping drone-collected images to generate a three-  presentation will serve as an introduction to moral
        dimensional reconstruction of a target area using the   philosophy aka ethics. By understanding the concepts of
        principles of photogrammetric analysis. The resulting 3D point   ethics and how to apply its principles to a problem the
        cloud is the raw material upon which countless geospatial   practitioner will more easily be able to choose the correct
        procedures are based and as an illustration of the inherent   course of action to solve a professional problem.
        potential of this data format, we will follow a series of   Professional behavior will be discussed within the
        workflows that utilize this data. After classifying and filtering   framework of the five fundamental principles and applying
        the points to isolate those representing ground, we will create   them to NYSAPLS Ten Canons of Ethics. The attendee will
        Digital Terrain Model (DTM) from which we will generate   better understand how the application of the principles and
        vector contour lines and calculate pile volume. UAV hardware   theories of ethics can lead the professional to the morally
        is rapidly improving even as the costs continue to drop. For   correct course of action.
        those of us in the mapping industry, this technology is quickly
        becoming a valuable and accessible addition to our
        geospatial toolbox.

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