Page 18 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 18

Speaker Biographies
                                  Speak           er Biogr               aphies

      Laura E. Ayers, Esq.                   Richard C. Brooks, LS                 Joseph Gaffney
      New York Attorney Laura E. Ayers       Richard Brooks, LS is the Vice        Joseph Gaffney is a Corporate CADD
      focuses her law practice on real       President of Brooks and Brooks, P.C.,   Manager, with 15+ years of experience,
      property. Actively at the helm of her   Land Surveyors and Land Planners.    and is in charge of providing key
      own law firm since 2010, Laura has     Licensed as a Land Surveyor in 1984,   assistance, administration, training and
      over fifteen years of experience dealing   he started his land surveying career in   support to the production teams at
      with the special issues that arise in   1974 and is a third generation surveyor.   Colliers Engineering & Design (formerly
      complex real property disputes and is   His firm routinely represents residential   known as Maser Consulting). Joseph
      often retained as special counsel or as   and commercial clients in front of   possesses an A.A.S. degree in Civil
      an expert witness. Laura is a frequent   municipal boards in a five county region   Engineering Technology. In his twenty
      lecturer on various real property topics   in the Mid-Hudson Valley and Catskill   years of industry experience, he has
      including Highway Law, Easement Law,   Mountain Region. Mr. Brooks is a past   successfully implemented countless
      and Boundary Line Disputes for the     president and current member of the   software programs, processes, and
      New York State Bar Association,        Mid-Hudson Valley Land Surveyors      standards to increase efficiency/
      among others. Laura received her       Association. In addition, he is a current   productivity of staff. Joseph was
      Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry   member of: NYSAPLS, VSLS, NSPS,       recently promoted to Principle
      and Biophysics from Rensselaer         NYS GIS Association and the           Associate, due to his impactful
      Polytechnic Institute and her Juris    Surveyors Historical Society. Mr.     contributions to the firm. He is
      Doctor from Albany Law School of       Brooks is also an adjunct professor at   responsible for everything CADD/BIM
      Union University.                      SUNY Ulster College, teaching Legal   related and his team supports 45
                                             Aspects of Land Surveying and Land    offices throughout the US. He leads a
      William E. Beardslee,                  Use Management.                       group who is in charge of providing
      LS, PE, PP                                                                   management, standardization,
      Bill Beardslee is a licensed professional   Terence G. Carle                 consulting, programming, training,
                                                                                   support, and technical services to
      land surveyor, engineer and planner    Terence G. Carle started in the title   approximately 600 production users.
      with over 50 years’ experience in the   industry in 1972 and retired from    Joseph has acquired his expertise in
      field of land development. He is known   full-time work in 2017. During his 45   CADD management via real-world
      for his excellent presentation and     years he rendered more than twenty-   experience everywhere he has worked.
      writing capabilities, along with being   five thousand opinions of title in   He has personally taught hundreds of
      one of the leading technical experts on   connection with sales and mortgaging   training classes during his career. Over
      land development in the engineering    of real estate and relative to disputes   time, Joseph has come to enjoy the
      and surveying arena. Bill has made     between owners and property. From     technological and training challenges
      over 2,000 presentations on            1979 until his retirement, he was an   associated with CADD/BIM
      engineering and surveying projects to   agent for several of the largest title   management while providing solutions
      local and state agencies. Prior to his   insurance underwrites in the State of   that are efficient, productive, and
      retirement, he was the owner and       New York and was licensed by the      ultimately save his company money.
      Director of Engineering for Beardslee   State of New York. He continues as a
      Engineering Associates in Sparta, NJ.   title reader for his formal company, The   Donna S. Haley
      Bill holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil   Title Service Company. Established in   Donna S. Haley has been working with
      Engineering from New Jersey Institute   1979, The Title Service Company is a   the NYSDOL for 17 years. She is
      of Technology and a Master of Arts     full-service title agency operating from   currently the Associated Safety &
      Degree in Corporate & Organizational   its office in Kingston, NY.           Health Consultant/Trainer at the
      Communications from Fairleigh                                                NYSDOL On-site Consultation
      Dickinson University. Now retired in   Nicholas B. Ford, LS                  Program. Before working with the
      North Carolina, he stays active in     Nicholas Ford is a licensed surveyor in   NYSDOL, she had 16 years of
      business development for Davis-        New York State, as well as a full-time   experience in the private sector
      Martin-Powell in High Point, NC, as    instructor at Alfred State College, where   working with various construction,
      well as providing continuing education   he teaches a variety of courses including   manufacturing, and mining companies
      seminars around the country.           courses specific to GNSS and geodesy.  in different safety and health positions.

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