Page 22 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 22

Canons of E
                                       Canons of Ethics

       It shall be considered unprofessional and   Because of this unique situation in which the   5. The practitioner shall not give professional
       inconsistent with honorable and dignified   Land Surveyors are placed by virtue of their   advice which does not fully reflect his or her
       conduct and contrary to the public interest   special knowledge and skill and, as it is with   best professional judgment.
       for any member of the New York State   all professions, certain distinctive fundamental
       Association of Professional Land Surveyors:  qualities of conduct and decorum are assumed.  6. The practitioner shall not misrepresent his or
                                                                                  her qualifications to a client, to an employer, or
       1. To act for the practitioner’s client or employer   Only however, by the creation and application of  to the profession.
       otherwise than as a faithful agent or trustee.  effective and realistic precepts and guide lines
                                             within these areas can any profession hope to   7. The practitioner shall not knowingly accept
       2. To accept remuneration for services   survive and retain the public recognition and   an assignment the results of which he or she
       rendered other than from the practitioner’s   support to which it aspires.  will later act upon as a member of a public or
       client or employer.                                                        quasi-public board.
                                             It is important, therefore, that a Profession
       3. To attempt to supplant another Land   Association establish within its organizational   8. The practitioner shall act with fairness and
       Surveyor in a particular engagement after   framework the Fundamental Principles   justice to all parties when administering the
       definite steps have been taken toward the   of Professional Conduct that will uphold   terms of any contract.
       practitioner’s employment.            and advance the honor and dignity of   9. The practitioner shall engage, or advise
                                             the profession in keeping with its highest   engaging, experts and specialists when in his
       4. To attempt to injure, falsely or maliciously,   standards of devotion, competence, knowledge
       the professional reputation, business, or   and skill toward the discharge of the moral   or her judgment such services are to his or her
       employment position of another Land Surveyor.                              client’s or employer’s best interests.
                                             obligations it has acknowledged to the public,
       5. To review the work of another Land Surveyor   to the profession, and to the fellow practitioner.  Article 2: “It shall be considered unprofessional…
       for the same client, except with the knowledge   We believe the Canons of Ethics presented here   To accept remuneration for services rendered other
       of such Land Surveyor, unless such Land   will serve the best interests of the New York State   than from the practitioner’s client or employer.”
       Surveyor’s engagement on the work which is   Association of Professional Land Surveyors and   1. The practitioner shall not accept compensation
       subject to review has been terminated.
                                             its membership.                      from more than one interested party for the same
       6. To advertise Land Surveying services in   Adopted September 24, 1966,   service, or for services pertaining to the same
                                                                                  work under circumstances where there may
       self-laudatory language, or in any other manner   Latest revision, July 21, 2017  be conflict of interest without the consent of all
       derogatory to the dignity of the profession.                               interested parties.
                                             Guide to Professional Practice
       7. To use the advantages of a salaried position   Under the Canons of Ethics  2. The practitioner shall not accept any royalty
       to compete unfairly with other Land Surveyors.
                                             Article 1: “It shall be considered unprofessional…    or commission on any work for which he or she
       8. To exert undue influence or to offer, solicit or   To act for the practitioner’s client or employer   is responsible, without the consent of his or her
       accept compensation for the purpose of affecting   otherwise than as a faithful agent or trustee.”  client or employer.
       negotiation for any Land Surveying engagement.                             Article 3: “It shall be considered unprofessional…
                                             1. The practitioner shall not undertake any
       9. To act in any manner derogatory to the honor,   assignment which would create a potential   To attempt to supplant another Land Surveyor in
                                                                                  a particular engagement after definite steps have
       integrity or dignity of the Land Surveying profession.  conflict of interest between the Land Surveyor   been taken toward his or her employment.”
                                             and his or her client or employer.
       10. To state on a map, plat or otherwise that the                          1. The practitioner shall not continue to seek
       survey meets the minimum standards set forth in   2. The practitioner shall not disclose information   employment on a specific engagement after
       the NYSAPLS Code of Practice, when it does not.  concerning the business affairs of his or her   being advised that another Land Surveyor
                                             clients or employer without their consent.
       Foreword                                                                   has been selected subject to approval of
                                                                                  detailed arrangements.
       Land Surveying is your profession and, as   3. The practitioner shall not use information coming
       Licensed Land Surveyors in New York State, the   to him or her confidentially in the course of his or   2. The practitioner shall not knowingly accept
       Law has reserved to each of you exclusively the   her assignment as a means of making personal   employment from a client who already has a
       right to practice your profession.    profit if such action is adverse to the interest of his   Land Surveyor under contract for the same work
                                             or her client or employer or the public.  not yet completed or paid for.
       You are presumed to have accepted this right
       along with the attendant obligations implied by   4. The practitioner shall not divulge any   3. The practitioner shall not, in the event that
       such a mandate which, in order of responsibility,   confidential findings of studies or actions of a   another Land Surveyor has made a study
       is first to the public, second to the profession   Land Surveying commission or board of which   and report on a specific project, approach the
       and to your colleagues within the profession,   he or she is a member, without official consent.  prospective client regarding subsequent phases
       and third to you, the individual practitioner.                             of the project, unless such contact is initiated
                                                                                  by the client.
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