Page 23 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 23

Canons of E
                                       Canons of Ethics

       Article 4: “It shall be considered unprofessional…   e. Permission by a Land Surveyor for his or her   Article 9: “It shall be considered unprofessional…
       To attempt to injure, falsely or maliciously,   name to be used in commercial advertisements,   To act in any manner derogatory to the
       the professional reputation, business, or   such as may be published by dignified   honor, integrity or dignity of the Land
       employment position of another Land Surveyor.”  notation acknowledging the Land Surveyor’s   Surveying profession.”
                                             participation in the project described.
       This does not remove the moral obligation to                               1. The practitioner shall not be associated in
       expose unethical conduct before the proper   Article 7: “It shall be considered unprofessional…   responsibility for work with Land Surveyors who
       authorities. Neither does it preclude a frank   To use the advantages of a salaried position to   do not conform to these ethical practices.
       but private appraisal of employees being   compete unfairly with other Land Surveyors.”
       considered for employment.                                                 2. The practitioner shall express an opinion
                                             1. The practitioner shall not engage in outside   only when it is founded on adequate
       Article 5: “It shall be considered unprofessional…   Land Surveying work to an extent prejudicial   knowledge and honest conviction while he
       To review the work of another Land Surveyor   to his or her salaried position or detrimental to   or she is serving as a witness before a court,
       for the same client, except with the knowledge   established Land Surveying services, or which   commission, or other tribunal.
       of such Land Surveyor, unless such Land   would result in a conflict of interest.
       Surveyor’s engagement of the work which is                                 3. The practitioner shall not issue statements,
       subject to review has been terminated and he or  2. If permitted by the practitioner’s employer,   criticisms, or argument on matters connected
       she has been compensated for his or her work.”  outside activities should preferably be confined  with public policy which are inspired or paid
                                             to consultation on phases of Land Surveying   for by private interests, unless he or she
       The article as stated is believed to be sufficiently   for which he or she has special qualifications   indicates on whose behalf he or she is making
       explicit. However, even though the first Land   not inherently available in usual Land   the statement.
       Surveyor’s services have been terminated, it is   Surveying practice.
       a matter of common courtesy to let him or her                              4. The practitioner shall not endorse products or
       know that their work is being reviewed.  Article 8: “It shall be considered unprofessional…   processes in commercial advertisements.
                                             To exert undue influence or to offer, solicit or
       Article 6: “It shall be considered unprofessional…   accept compensation for the purpose of affecting   5. The practitioner shall refrain from expressing
       To advertise Land Surveying service in self-  negotiations for any Land Surveying engagement.”  publicly an opinion on any Land Surveying
       laudatory language, or in any other manner                                 subject unless he or she is informed as to the
       derogatory to the dignity of the profession.”  1. The practitioner shall not make political   facts relating thereto.
       1. The following are considered to be permissible:  contributions for the purpose of influencing   6. The practitioner shall exercise due restraint in
                                             the selection of Land Surveyors on future
       a. Professional cards and other factual   engagements.                     criticizing another Land Surveyor’s work.
       representations in recognized dignified                                    7. This article appropriately may be considered
       publications and listings in rosters or directories   2. The practitioner shall not give or receive   as a summation of the Canons of Ethics for
       published by responsible organizations   any payments for the purpose of influencing   Land Surveyors. It requires that a member of
       provided that the cards or listings are consistent   the selection of Land Surveyor for any Land   the New York State Association of Professional
       in size and content, and are in a section of   Surveying engagement.       Land Surveyors shall act in accordance with
       the publication regularly devoted to such   3. The practitioner shall not create obligation   high standards of moral conduct under any and
       professional cards. Information given must be   on prospective clients or employers through   all circumstances.
       factual, dignified, and free from ostentatious,   extravagant entertainment, gifts or similar
       complimentary or laudatory implications.                                   Article 10: “It shall be considered unprofessional…
       b. Brochures and other factual representations                             To state on a map, plat or otherwise that the
       of experience, facilities, personnel and capacity   4. The practitioner shall not engage in “fee   survey meets the minimum standards set forth in
       to render service, providing they are not   splitting” or other distribution of fees for other   the NYSAPLS Code of Practice, when it does not.
       misleading with respect to the Land Surveyor’s   than services performed and in proportion to the
       direct participation in projects described.  value of such services.       1. The practitioner shall not mislead the public

       c. A statement of a practitioner’s name or the   5. The practitioner shall not solicit or accept   by making statement(s) of fact if the statement
                                                                                  is not supported by the requirements.
       name of his or her firm and statement of his or   a Land Surveying engagement, or submit a
       her type of service posted on projects for which   proposal or contract covering Land Surveying
       he or she renders services.           services when such payment is contingent upon
                                             results supporting a predetermined conclusion.
       d. Preparation or authorization of descriptive
       articles for the lay or technical press, which are   6. The practitioner shall not request, propose
       factual, dignified and free from ostentatious   or accept a Land Surveying engagement on a
       or laudatory implications. Such articles shall   contingent fee basis if the contingent basis or
       not imply anything more than his or her direct   the contingent services performed influence the
       participation in work described.      selection of the Land Surveyor.
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