Page 21 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 21

Special Events & Activities
                         Special E               v  ents & A                 ctivities

       “Map out” your success with our                          The awards ceremony is being held during the conference
       Annual Map Competition!                                  while no other event is going on.
       Get your staff involved! The NYSAPLS Annual Map          Now, more than ever, we need to come “together” and
       Competition is the perfect way to showcase your office’s   express our gratitude for the outstanding hard work,
       map-making abilities! All maps, including winning entries will be   dedication and leadership demonstrated by your peers in the
       showcased during our virtual conference for attendee viewing.   surveying profession. Please join the event to support your
       The contest entry form includes 5 entry categories including:   fellow peers and aspiring future leaders.
         ■  Subdivision Plats
         ■  Boundary/Cadastral Maps                             NYSAPLS Officer Installation Ceremony
         ■  Topographic Maps                                    Thursday, January 27, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (EST)
         ■  ALTA/NSPS Survey Maps                               Please join us in welcoming and congratulating the NYSAPLS’
         ■  Miscellaneous Maps                                  incoming 2022 Executive Officers into their leadership roles.
       In addition to the categories listed above, we will ask our
       attendees to choose their favorite for our “Viewers’ Choice”   NYSAPLS Young Professionals
       award! Winning entries will receive an award certificate,   Social Event
       recognition in the Empire State Surveyor and free entry in the   Thursday, January 20, 6:00pm – 7:00pm
       national map contest administered by NSPS.               The NYSAPLS Young Professionals Committee invites you
                                                                to attend their YP Social Event.  Take some time to relax with
       Silent Auction to Benefit the Shaw                       the Young Professionals, with a virtual networking happy
       Scholarship Fund & LSPAC                                 hour!  Grab your favorite beverage and join them for a fun
       Wednesday, January 19, 8:00am – Friday, January 28, 12:00pm  evening of story sharing, game playing and just good

       Our scholarship auction has become a wonderful way to raise   conversations about Land Surveying!  The YP Social Event
       funds annually for the Shaw Fund. The Arthur D. Shaw     is free to attend.
       Memorial Fund, Inc. was established in 1986 to encourage   Diversity in Land Surveying:
       and promote land surveying education through scholarships,
       lectures, seminars and research. In its 30+ year history, the   A Panel Discussion
       Shaw Fund has awarded more than $100,000 in scholarships.   Moderated by Ashley Metz of the NYSAPLS Young Professionals
       The LSPAC serves as the sole vehicle through which NYSAPLS   Friday, January 28, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (EST)
       makes contributions to candidates for state office. It allows   N/A for CE
       members to join together and speak with one powerful voice in
       an election. It raises visibility of our profession to lawmakers   Join the YP Committee for a discussion about the unique
       across New York. It also ensures needed access to the top   paths some surveyors have taken in their path to this
                                                                profession, including struggles they faced along the way
       decision-makers in government so that surveyors have the   finding surveying as a profession, becoming a surveyor, and
       opportunity to shape laws and regulations affecting their license   what we can learn going forward from these obstacles they
       and profession.
                                                                have overcome.  This discussion will focus on different stories
       Be sure to check out an abundance of donated auction items   from a variety of Land Surveyors that promote surveying as a
       on display during the conference.                        diverse place not only in the jobs we perform, but also within
       The online auction will be available Wednesday (1/19) at the   the surveyors in the profession.  The goal of this discussion
       opening of our virtual event through Friday (1/28) at 12:00pm.   would be to allow the panelists to tell their stories about how
       Be sure to bid… and check back often to be sure someone   they found surveying, their decision on making a career out of
       did not out-bid you!                                     it, struggles they faced getting into the industry, struggles they
                                                                faced to become licensed, and the way they handled any
       Awards Ceremony & New Licensee                           workplace discrimination.  Some takeaways from the
       Presentation                                             discussion should include learning barriers that bar people
                                                                from entering surveying, how to move forward to open new
       Thursday, January 20, 12:30pm – 1:30pm (EST)             paths for a career in Land Surveying, and starting a
       Please join us for our annual awards ceremony. Included in the   discussion between surveyors about the importance of
       ceremony, the newest faces in the surveying community will be   spreading the word about this profession.
       honored including college level scholarship awards, the new
       licensee presentation and the Pillars of Excellence awards.
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