Page 115 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
P. 115

County Listings
                                        County Listings

       NEW JERSEY, continued        Spiezia, William
       Hunter, Mark, R.             Steere, James, F.
       Kelly, Rodger, A.            Stigner, Kenneth, J.
       Kennedy, Derek, J.           Stockton, Andrew
       Kent, Daniel, E., III        Strong, Thomas, D.
       King, Michael, W.            Stuhl, Jonathan, A.
       Kirch, Peter, C.             Szovati, Charles, E.
       Klapper, Jeremy, A.          Taglic, Mario
       Kleine, Jeffrey, H.          Valente, Antonio, T.
       Koestner, Steven, L.         Vargas, Jose, M.
       Kraus, Howard                Veenstra, Gary, A.                  FRANDINA ENGINEERING and
       Kunkera, Kruno               Vida, John, J.                           LAND SURVEYING, PC
       Lamac, Richard, M.           Von Steenburg, David, J.
       Lantelme, Christopher, J.    Vonder, Jaroslava                   Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors
       Larson, Jason, M.            Webb, Matthew, M.                      NYS Certified WBE and DBE firm
       Lezaja, Eugene               Weed, James, C.
       Ludwig, Keith, M.            Wolfe, Peter, M.                   Successor to records of Deborah Naybor, PLS
       Lynch, John, P.              Wyness, Bartholomew, C.
       Manning, William, T.         Zakrzewski, Vincent, E.                       1701 Hertel Avenue
       Mathews, Pamela, L.          Ziolkowski, Matthew                            Buffalo, NY 14216
       McAlpin, Michael, J.         NORTH CAROLINA                                   716-883-1299
       McCord, John, W., Sr.
       McEntee, Philip, A., Jr.     Brennan, Peter, J., Jr.                 Rosanne Frandina, PE, LS
       McGurl, Michael, J.          Chapis, Nicholas                              Mark Childs, LS
       Melnick, Errol               Clinkscales, Fulton, V., Jr.
       Miller, Thomas, F.           Fish, Timothy, L.
       Mohan, Naresh, D.            Freeland, James, R.      |
       Moore, Peter, J.             Jacobs, Alicia, M.
       Murphy, Kevin, J.            Michell, Gary, J.
       Namyslak, Andrew             Murphy, Jonathan, F.
       Oakes, Brian, A.             OHIO
       Olmeda, Marc, L.
       O’Mahoney, Joseph, C.        Baker, David
       Phil, Joseph, D.             Durr, Timothy, R.
       Pichardo, Rafael             Howell, Byron, D.
       Pierson, Georgia             Parsell, Dana
       Ponzio, Leonardo, E.         Smit, Thomas, C.
       Popoloski, Michael, J.       Smith, David, D.
       Prasad, Avinash              Toukonen, Kayne
       Priestner, Joseph, B.        Welsh, Brendan
       Raimondi, Louis, A.
       Reeves, Thomas, J.
       Rigg, Kent, T.
       Romanelli, Clifford, N.
       Romano, Joseph, E.
       Rossi, John, M.
       Rupnarain, David, D.
       Ryan, Robert, A.
       Schemel, William, P.
       Schuler, Christopher, M.
       Sens, James, D.
       Simmons, David, B.
       Slater, Peter, G.
       Smith, David, H.
       Smith, Dennis, J.
       Sorokin, Aleksandr
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