Page 120 - 2022 NYSAPLS Conference Journal
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      ADDITIONAL MEMBER                                           NYSAPLS STRATEGIC

                  CATEGORIES                                      PLANNING RETREAT
                                                                   Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs

       HONORARY MEMBERS            STUDENT MEMBERS                             May 12-14, 2022
       Byrne, Raymond              Arnold, John, B.               The NYSAPLS strategic planning committee had
       Carpenter, C. Donald, Jr.   Baker, Paul
       Glanzer, Mona, N.           Barylski, Mark, S.             organized a retreat in Saratoga Springs this past
       Hulbert, Eugene, H.         Bliss, Matthew, B.             September  to  draft  the  next  3-year  strategic
       Morgan, Daren, L.           Clay, Taylor, M.               plan for 2022 - 2024. We are excited to gather
       Shields, Margaret, A.       Decristofaro, James            together once again to brainstorm new ideas,
       LIFE MEMBERS                Elliott, Jacob                 develop our association’s goals and “strategize”
                                   Forney, Joseph
       Bullock, Edward, A., Jr.    Garifal, William, N., III      the direction and future of our organization.
       Ehrig, Herbert, D.          Gray, Joseph, T.
       Ennis, John, R.             Green, Gavin, L.               Each region has been asked to provide TWO
       Frink, Kenneth, C.          Gulino, Joseph                 participants: it is suggested to bring one
       Gardner, Leonard, O.        Hite, Elizabeth                current director, and one “new” face
       Gillen, James, F.           Hubbell, Kevin, W.             (someone that hasn’t been involved deeply
       Grabski, Fabian, B.         Ingham, Corey                  that could potentially bring fresh ideas to the
       Holbrook, Jerald, J.        Kayn, Samuel, H.
       Holden, John, I.            Kowal, Daniel, J.              meeting). The event is FREE to attend,
       Huth, Richard, A.           Kraft, Jonathan                however, Regionals are responsible to cover
       Ingegno, Joseph, A.         LaLonde, Robbie, E.            the cost of their participants’ overnight
       Kime, Charles, R.           Lalsa, Gopaul                  accommodations.
       Kreiling, R. Ronald         LaRue, Paul
       Loscalzo, Anthony, M.       Ledden, Catherine, M.                  Our tentative meeting schedule:
       McLaughlin, Arthur, P.      McMillan, Liam, R.                       Thursday, May 12, 2022
       Meccay, Gordon, A.          Mosack, Joseph, J.
       Meisler, Peter              O’Buckley, Katherine           12:00pm – 1:00pm   Icebreaker luncheon
       Meyer, Fred, Jr.            Palermo, Thomas                1:00pm – 5:00pm     Strategic Planning Session
       Miller, George, L.          Perez Gangi, Steven            5:30pm – 7:30pm     Networking Cocktail Reception
       Myers, Kenneth, L.          Pierce, Brandon                                    Dinner on your own
       Pope, Henry, P.             Prasad, Indira, G.
       Rizzo, Lawrence, R.         Prasad, Purnima, A.
       Russell, Francis, D.        Ramos, Luis, A., Jr.                       Friday, May 13, 2022
       Slaugenhoupt, Kenneth, M.   Ramos, Luis, Sr.               8:00am – 9:00am     Breakfast
       Tiel, William, S.           Reed, Liam, C.W.
       Valenti, Vito, A.           Russo, Daniela Luisa           9:00am – 5:00pm     Strategic meeting
       Woolever, Dana, P.          Sears, Gregory, V.             12:00pm – 1:00pm   Lunch
       RETIRED MEMBERS             Shaffer, Curtis                5:30pm – 7:30pm     Networking Cocktail Reception
       Fulkerson, Allen, T.        Welsh, Alec, B.                                    Dinner on your own
       Kostyk, Gerald              Wicks, Jack
       Nicoletti, Joseph           Wimmer, Chace                            Saturday, May 14, 2022
       Romanelli, Clifford, N.     Wojcik, Maciej, A.
                                   Woychuk, Noah                  8:00am – 9:00am     Breakfast
                                   Vebber, Kai                    9:00am – 12:00pm    NYSAPLS Board of Directors
                                                                                      12:00pm Depart
                                                                          Contact your Regional Director to
                                                                      participate and help us “Map Our Vision”
                                                                                 for the next 3 years!

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