Page 28 - NYS_ESS_11-2023
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[ minutes, continued ]

             NSPS                                                  Young Professionals
             Roy Garfinkel for Patti Brooks                        Heather Schultz for Keith Burley, Chair
             •  We believe Patti intends to attend the NSPS meeting in Ohio this   •  Currently working on:
               month.                                                I.  October 20th free presentation on business skills
             Public Relations                                        II.  YouTube shorts
             Heather Schultz for Lem Morrison, Chair                 III. Discussions on presentations or videos for next year.
             •  Submitted an article on Surveying for a Sustainable Future to the   IV. 2024 conference ideas – including Field Olympics, YP and Alumni
               American Surveyor magazine – should be in the September/October   Social, and possibly inviting up to 5 service members to attend
               issue.                                                 conference for the Real World Perspectives panel and welcome
             •  Benchmark contest is ongoing. A summary should be in the next   reception.
               issue of the ESS.                                     V.  Seeking interest from regionals on attending county fairs (NSYAPLS
             •  A press release will be issued after the NY GeoCon roundtable.  booth)
             •  A press release will be issued regarding tonight’s donation for the   VI. Jason Peterson spoke about his efforts to reach out to Fort Drum
               Erie Canal documentary film.                           service members in JAG, mortar, infantry, artillery, and cartography.
                                                                      Roy mentioned JJ McIntosh’s son in the military, as a possible resource
             •  YouTube video series – The committee is working on responding to   familiar with the surveying profession.
               the questions/comments posted.
                                                              VII.   Unfinished Business
             •  Question of the Month – the majority of the 180 respondents want our   •  Place holder: Support of CUNY NYC College of Technology Construction
               social media to be focused on attracting young people to the profession.   Management and Civil Engineering Program (City Tech)’s 15 credit hour
               We currently use Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. But this young age   program for minor in Geomatics within a Bachelor of Technology for Civil
               group mostly uses TikTok and Instagram. PR will investigate creating an   Engineering. This item will remain under old/unfinished business as a place
               Instagram account. TikTok and social media is hard to maintain. TikTok   holder until further action is taken. Paul Smith’s college’s surveying program
               would require member contributions for constant content. We may not   resurrection was discussed. It was suggested that a survey be sent to
               have the resources.
                                                                     members asking about their employment needs and intentions to hire. This
             •  The PR committee will man a booth at GeoCon.         information would be useful to colleges considering a surveying curriculum.

             Strategic Planning                               VIII.  New Business
             Greg de Bruin, Chair                                  •  John Abruzzo discussed an issue involving multi-state firms with branch
             •  The Strategic Plan can be viewed here:  offices producing substandard surveys that don’t have an LS physically
       present at the branch office. Is the surveyor stamping surveys produced
               2025-Strategic-Plan-Boa.pdf . The BOD is charged with items   by the branch office illegally “rubber stamping” these surveys? How is the
               1.1.1, 4.2.3, 6.1.1, 6.1.9. The committee will be meeting with each   “under the direct supervision of a licensed land surveyor” requirement being
               NYSAPLS committee to check in on progress on SP initiatives. Greg   met? How do we police this situation?
               announced that he will be stepping down from SP committee.
                                                                   •  WHEREAS EDWARD MCKINNEY HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF NYSAPLS
             Workforce Development Committee (ad hoc)               SINCE NYSAPLS WAS FORMED, AND WHEREAS ED MCKINNEY HAS
             Roy Garfinkel for Steve Boddecker, Chair               DEMONSTRATED HIGH DEVOTION TO THE PRACTICE OF SURVEYING
             •  The committee held their first meeting today. Many ideas were   AND TO NYSAPLS, AND WHEREAS ED MCKINNEY MEETS THE
               discussed. There was a high level of enthusiasm at the meeting.  REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE NYSAPLS CONSTITUION AND
                                                                    BYLAWS, NOW THEREFORE A MOTION IS HEREBY MADE BY JEREMY
             Nominations and Awards                                 THOMPSON TO GRANT LIFE MEMBERSHIP IN NYSAPLS TO EDWARD
             Glenn Watson for Kaleb Winters, Chair                  MCKINNEY, SECONDED BY DON STEDGE, ALL IN FAVOR, NONE
             •   The committee presented the following slate of officers for the year 2024:   OPPOSED, MOTION CARRIED.
               President         Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
               Executive Vice President   Steven J. Willard, LS    •  President Garfinkel “passed the gavel” and invited each attendee to report
               Vice President    Scott A. Gillis, LS                 on their regional activities, share news, report concerns, or just comment in
               Secretary         William R. Eggers, LS               general. Of note during the discussion were the following comments.
               Treasurer         Scott B. Allen, LS                  I.  Dan Marvin – Northern met last week in Tupper Lake and viewed the
             •  Members have seven days (until September 22nd) to make additional   2nd Showing webinar.
               nominations by petition signed by 20 members. Following the seven-  II.  Matthew Palmer – Genessee Valley also met last week and attended the
               day cut-off, at least 20 days prior to the November meeting, letter   2nd Showing webinar. Alfred students will be invited to their next meeting.
               ballots of the officers’ slate will be mailed to the voting directors. The   III.  Barbara Marvin – Auxiliary sent out letters to auxiliary members and
               ballots will be counted at the November Board of Directors meeting.   potential members welcoming them to our 2024 annual conference at
                                                                       Turning Stone. The letter outlined the planned events.

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