Page 29 - NYS_ESS_11-2022
P. 29

             Glenn Watson, Chair
             •  Committee met on August 24, 2022.
             •  Committee recently interviewed each of the officers presently sitting and   We have recently been made aware of email scams targeting
                                                                       e ha
                                                                          ve recently been made a
                                                                                            ware of email scams targeting
               each agreed to continue in their office for next year.  our associa tion.   W e wanted to inform you of a common c yber -
                                                                      our association. We wanted to inform you of a common cyber-
             •  Committee seeks nominations for the awards given during annual   attack that everyone should be aware of called “phishing”.
                                                                                              ware of called
                                                                             t ever
                                                                                 yone should be a
                                                                       ttack tha
               conference. Nominations should be submitted by mid-November.
                                                                      “Phishing” is the most common type of cyber-attack that
                                                                      “Phishing”  is the most common type of c yber -a ttack tha t
        VII.   Unfinished Business                                    affects organizations like ours. Phishing attacks can take many
                                                                                 tions like ours.
                                                                                                    ttacks can take man
                                                                                             Phishing a
                                                                      affects organiza
             None to discuss                                          forms, but they
                                                                           but they
                                                                      all share a common goal – getting you to share sensitive
        VIII.  New Business                                           all share a common goal – getting you to share sensitive
                                                                      information such as login credentials, credit card information,
             •  Duane Frymire, President of Mohawk Valley regional, nominated a local   informa tion such as login credentials,  credit card informa tion,
               member (Mohawk Valley) for Life Membership in NYSAPLS. Duane   or bank account details.
                                                                      or bank account details.
               recognized the member for his long service to the Mohawk Valley regional.
                                                                      Although we maintain controls to help protect our networks
               MOTION BY DON STEDGE TO AWARD THE MEMBER LIFE MEMBERSHIP   Although we maintain controls to help protect our networks
                                                                                      yber threa
                                                                      and computers from c
                                                                                                 s important ever
                                                                                                             yone is
               IN NYSAPLS, SECONDED BY JOHN ABRUZZO, ALL IN FAVOR, NONE   and computers from cyber threats, it’s important everyone is
                                                                      on the look for suspicious emails.
               OPPOSED, MOTION CARRIED.                               on the look for suspicious emails.
                                                                      We’ve outlined a few different types of phishing attacks to
             •  Scott Allen of Northern discussed a letter prepared by Northern and   W e’ve outlined a few different types of phishing attacks to
               presented for NYSAPLS letterhead and signature by President Garfinkel,   watch out for:
                                                                      watch out for:
               in response to a situation where a bank’s attorney accepted a plot plan   •
                                                                                  In this type of a
                                                                                                  hackers impersona
               prepared by a PE for a private individual sewage treatment system permit   •  Phishing: In this type of attack, hackers impersonate
                                                                         a real compan
                                                                                    y to obtain your login credentials.
               as proof that the new foundation did not violate zoning setbacks and   a real company to obtain your login credentials. For
                                                                         example, they could send an e-mail asking you to verify
               waived the requirement for a certified survey. The letter will be sent to   example,  they could send an e-mail asking you to verify
                                                                         your account details with a link that takes you to an
               legal counsel, Emily Whalen, for review and attached to the final draft of   your account details with a link tha t takes you to an
                                                                         imposter login screen that delivers your information
               the Minutes of this meeting.                              imposter login screen tha t delivers your informa tion
                                                                         directly to the a
             •  John Abruzzo raised concerns with the work of the Ad hoc Minimum   directly to the attackers.
                                                                       •  Spear Phishing: Spear phishing is a more sophisticated
               Technical Standards (MTS) committee. President Garfinkel responded to   •    Spear Phishing:   Spear phishing is a more sophistica ted
                                                                                                              tion tha
                                                                         phishing a
                                                                                       t inc
                                                                                           ludes customized informa
                                                                                 ttack tha
               those concerns. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding monumentation.  phishing attack that includes customized information that

                                                                         makes the a
                                                                                                       te source.
                                                                                  ttacker seem like a legitima
             •  Don Stedge brought to the attention of the Board that the Rockland County   makes the attacker seem like a legitimate source. They
                                                                         may use a familiar name and refer to NYSAPLS or your
               Health Department requires a survey for geothermal well applications,   may use a familiar name and refer to NYSAPLS or your
                                                                         local Regional in the e-mail to trick you into thinking they
               but at the same time, the requirement seems to allow others to alter the   local Regional in the e-mail to trick you into thinking they
               survey map to show additional features. The Delaware Hudson regional   ha ve a connection to you,  making you more likely to c lick
                                                                         have a connection to you, making you more likely to click
               sent a letter to Rockland CHD pointing out Section 7209 (2) of the State   a link or a ttachment tha t they provide.
                                                                         a link or attachment that they provide.
               Education Law (unauthorized alterations). A copy of the letter is attached to   •    Whaling:  Whaling is a popular plo y aimed a t getting you to
                                                                       •  Whaling: Whaling is a popular ploy aimed at getting you to
               these minutes.                                            transfer money or send sensitive informa tion to an a ttacker
                                                                         transfer money or send sensitive information to an attacker
                                                                         via email by impersonating a real NYSAPLS or Regional
        IX.   Pass the Gavel                                             via email by impersona ting a real NYSAPLS or Regional
                                                                                                             t a
                                                                                            Using a fake domain tha
                                                                         officer or board member
             (each attendee is invited to give an update on their regional activities, news,   officer or board member. Using a fake domain that appears
                                                                         similar to ours or the regional’
                                                                                                 they look like normal
             concerns, personal comments, etc.)                          similar to ours or the regional’s, they look like normal
                                                                                             w and ask you for sensitive
                                                                         emails from people you kno
             Northern had 11 members attend their September 15th regular meeting,   emails from people you know and ask you for sensitive
               which was followed by the NYSAPLS 2nd Showing webinar.    information (including usernames and passwords).
                                                                               tion (inc
                                                                                     luding usernames and pass
             Genesee Valley had 20 members attend the September 15th 2nd Showing.
                                                                      Best Practices to Avoid Phishing Schemes
             Long Island is planning an October meeting.              Best Practices to A void Phishing Schemes
             Delaware Hudson enjoyed their July 30th outing to a Minor League baseball   Do not click on links or attachments from senders that you do
                                                                                                             t you do
                                                                                        ttachments from senders tha
                                                                            lick on links or a
                                                                      Do not c
               game. About 50 people attended.                        not recognize.
                                                                      not recognize.
             Mohawk Valley’s first meeting in 2 years is coming up.
                                                                       •  Do not provide sensitive personal information (like
             Mid-Hudson also attended the September 15th 2nd Showing webinar.  •  Do not provide sensitive personal information (like
                                                                         usernames and passwords) over email.
             Eastern had its first general membership meeting last week, since COVID   usernames and passwords) over email.
                                                                       •  Watch for email senders that use suspicious or misleading
               struck.                                                 •  Watch for email senders that use suspicious or misleading
                                                                         domain names.
             Central will have its 3rd meeting since spring next week. They’ve had some   domain names.
               new faces attending meetings.  They’ve been raffling $50 gift cards at
               meetings. Central is seeing some renewed interest.     How to Report a Phishing Scheme
                                                                      How to Report a Phishing Scheme
             Niagara Frontier’s meetings have been business as usual. The same 10-12   Forward any phishing attempts to the following
                                                                      Forward any phishing attempts to the following
               members attend. Joshua has been working on bringing NYSAPLS to the   two organizations:
                                                                      two organizations:
               work place (generating interest in NYSAPLS among staff).
                                                                       1.  The Anti-Phishing Working Group at
             Heather thanked Nassau Suffolk for hosting Headquarters staff at their recent   1.  The Anti-Phishing Working Group at
               summer social which included a cruise to Fire Island.
             Amber and Heather are working hybrid schedules (some days remote, some   2.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
                                                                       2.  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at
               days in office)                                 
             Nassau Suffolk is getting back in to a regular schedule of meetings.
                                                                      Note: If you ever receive a phishing text message you should
        X.   Upcoming Board of Directors Meetings – TBA               Note: If you ever receive a phishing text message you should
                                                                      forward it to SPAM (7726).
                                                                      forward it to SPAM (7726).
        Motion to adjourn by Rich Moravec, seconded by David Bardoun, all in favor, none
                                                                     Thanks for helping to keep our members safe
        opposed, motion carried.                                     Thanks for helping to keep our members safe
        Meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.                                        from these c yber threats!
                                                                               from these cyber threats!
        Respectfully submitted: Scott B. Allen, LS – Secretary
                                      EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 6/ 2022 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER   27
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