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[ minutes ]
[ NYSAPLS Board of Director’s Meeting • September 16, 2022
Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs
NYSAPLS Board of Directors Meeting Member Guests: Barbara Marvin, Northern, Auxiliary
Other Guests: None
September 16, 2022 I. Consent Calendar:
Embassy Suites, Saratoga Springs Minutes of last BOD meeting, Financial Reports, and Committee Reports/
Minutes are included in the handouts distributed prior to the meeting and are
typically all moved under a Consent Calendar format. Motion to accept the
Meeting called to order at 7:43 p.m. by President Roy Garfinkel Consent Calendar was made by John Abruzzo, seconded by Rich Moravec,
all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Present: II. Treasurer’s Report
Scott Gillis
Association Officers: • Financial statements and minutes of July 20, 2022 Finance Committee
President Roy B. Garfinkel meeting were included in handouts.
Executive Vice President Absent
Vice President Steven J. Willard • Net income for this past fiscal year was just under $40,000.
Treasurer Scott A. Gillis III. President’s Report
Secretary Scott B. Allen Roy Garfinkel
Directors: • Roy has been meeting with NYSAPLS regionals to discuss the strategic
Allegheny Plateau Absent plan and minimum technical standards. Roy has been trying to
Black River Valley Absent reinvigorate the less active regionals and encouraged us to work toward
Catskill Absent that end.
Central David Bardoun • President Garfinkel would like committee members to be reminded that
City Absent they should not share certain draft committee materials that have not
Delaware-Hudson Donald Stedge yet been approved for release by the committee. It is recommended
Eastern Brie Meisler, Jason Peterson that if a committee is working on preliminary materials that they feel
Genesee Valley Matthew Palmer should not yet be released to the membership as a whole, then the
Long Island John Abruzzo committee should state so, and the committee members should honor
Mid-Hudson Nicole Kalicicki that request until there is consensus that the material can be shared
Mohawk Valley Duane Frymire with membership.
Nassau Suffolk Scott Gillis
Niagara Frontier Joshua Graf IV. Executive Vice President’s Report
Northern Scott Allen, Robert Marvin, Jr. Absent – No report
Southern Finger Lakes Absent V. Association Operations (“HQ”) Report
Southern Tier Absent Managing Director, Amber Carpenter
Queensboro Absent • Paperwork for ten-year trademark (NYSAPLS) renewal has been submitted.
Westchester-Putnam C. Richard Moravec, Steven Willard • Personnel Manual update is being reviewed by Attorney Rose McKenna.
For 2022, seven regionals and two members of the executive board are required for Amber is expecting the review to be finished in the next few weeks.
a quorum (see Constitution and By-laws Article V Section 1.3 for definition of quorum). • Final expenses have been received for last fiscal year and the books will
A quorum was present. now be forwarded to our accountant for preparation of tax returns.
Trustees: Gregory J. de Bruin, Daniel E. Marvin, Glenn Watson • Amber pointed out that regional news, committee meeting minutes,
Executive Director: Daniel E. Marvin headquarter updates, legislative newsletter, etc. are posted on the
Managing Director: Amber Carpenter NYSAPLS website and encouraged all regionals to submit news to her.
Director of Operations: Heather Schultz • Amber thanked Nassau Suffolk regional for hosting HQ staff at their
Legislative Counsel: Absent summer social meeting which included a cruise to Fire Island.
Committees: Annual Conference Absent
Nominations Glenn Watson, Chair • Membership dues paid to date are at 88% of last year’s level. The
Constitution/Bylaws Steven Willard, Chair unpaid members report was circulated.
NSPS Absent • The “2nd Showing” webinar held on September 15th was attended by
Education Dan Marvin Northern, Genesee Valley, and Mid-Hudson. The next “2nd Showing” will
Public Relations Stephen Miller be held on March 8th, 2023.
Ethical Practices David Zigler, Chair VI. Committee Reports (see meeting handouts for written reports/
Strategic Planning Greg de Bruin, Chair committee meeting minutes for further details)
Finance Scott Gillis, Chair
Young Professionals Jason Graf Annual Conference
Legislative Jason Graf, Chair Amber Carpenter
Ad hoc MTS Roy Garfinkel • Minutes of July 25, 2022 and August 25, 2022 meetings were included
LSPAC Absent in handouts.
Ad hoc DOT Relations Roy Garfinkel • Conference Registration Brochure will be available in early October.
Membership Absent continued on page 26