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continued from page 19
                                                       Bouchard, Harry. 1959.  Surveying, Fourth Edition. Scranton, PA:
             Spring Workshop PART 2                      International Textbook Company.
             Spring W
                                       T 2
             Location Options/Dates:
             Location Options/Dates:                   Brown, Curtis M., Walter G. Robillard, and Donald A. Wilson. 1995.
                                                         Brown’s Boundary Control and Legal Principles, Fourth Edition. New
             J une 5 - S yracuse                         York, NY: Wiley.
             June 5 - Syracuse
             (G r een Lakes S tate P ar k)             Clark, Frank Emerson. 1959. Clark on Surveying and Boundaries, Third
             (Green Lakes State Park)
                                                         Edition. Indianapolis, IN: The Bobbs-Merril Company, Inc.
                                                       Davis, Raymond E., and Francis S. Foote. 1953. Surveying Theory and
                                                         Practice. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
                                                       Mulford, A.C. 1912. Boundaries and Landmarks - A Practical Manual.
                                                         New York, NY: D. Van Nostrand Company.
                                                       R. B. Buckner, Ph.D. 1992. Land Boundary Location Principles. Johnson
                                                         City, TN: Buckner.
                                                       US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 2009.
                                                         Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the
                                                         United States. Denver, CO: Government Printing Office.
                       photo: Tobin Fricke, Creative Commons
                       phot o: T obin F rick e,  Cre ative  Commons
                                                       Wilson, Donald A., Charles A. Nettleman, III, and Walter G. Robillard.
                                                         2021. Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location, Seventh Edition.
              une 7 - S
             June 7 - Saratoga                           Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
             (S aratoga S pa S tate P ar k)                      About the Author:
             (Saratoga Spa State Park)
                                                                 Jason Larson has over 34 years of experience in surveying, having started while
                                                                 in high school as a draftsman for a local surveyor. After several years working in
                                                                 the industry, he graduated from the University of Florida with a BS in Surveying
                                                                 and Mapping in 1998. He progressed through the years from Draftsman, Crew
                                                       Chief, CADD Tech/Data Processor, Project Surveyor, Control Manager, Project Manager, HDS
                                                       Manager, to Director of Survey. Jason moved to NYC in 2005 and has worked there since. He is
                                                       active with NYSAPLS in the Delaware Hudson Regional and is a member of several committees
                                                       including Education, Legislative, and is the current chairman of the MTS Committee.

                           yan Hodne
                         o: R
                      photo: Ryan Hodnett, Creative Commons
                       utnam County
             June 9 - Putnam County
              une 9 - P
             (F ahnestock S tate P ar k)
             (Fahnestock State Park)

                                  , Creative Commons
                              l Case
                       photo: Daniel Case, Creative Commons
                          o: Danie

                                      EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 58 • NO 6/ 2022 • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER   21
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