Page 29 - NYS_ESS_01-2025
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Ethical Practices Strategic Planning
David Zigler, Chair Amber Carpenter
• Working on twelve open cases. • Met with the Young Professionals committee and reassigned three tasks
• The issue of county clerks filing survey maps had been sent to the to the Workforce Development committee.
committee. Dave discussed the large disparity of filing regulations among • The strategic retreat will be held in 2026.
the various counties. Jeremy suggested this may need to be worked on in
conjunction with the Government Relations and MTS committees. Workforce Development Committee
Amber Carpenter
• Dave raised the issue of public use of “hunting” mapping apps to identify • Drafting an outline for a new brochure.
locations of property lines which are based upon tax maps. These apps • Approved a call for volunteers postcard to be distributed at conference.
have no disclaimer as to the lack of accuracy of this data.
Young Professionals
Government Relations
Jim Thew, Chair and Roy Garfinkel Keith Burley, Chair
• Committee is shifting their focus towards being a resource for associate
• NYS GIS Association summit included the GIS Roundtable. Jim reported
that approximately 10 county clerks’ offices attended. and student members.
• Emily reported no significant changes to the state legislature as a result • Keith attended the National Future Farmers of America conference with
of the recent elections. Promoting Land Surveying as a profession.
VI. Unfinished Business
Amber Carpenter • The Orange County Clerk map filing is no longer unfinished business.
• Financial reports were distributed. The fundraising reception will be held Passing this along to various committees was discussed. This may be
at conference. charged to a new committee but will be brought back to the Executive
Board for further action.
New Business
Heather Schultz VII. • The tellers committee reported receiving ballots from 13
• Reports are in the packet. Unpaid member reports were sent to of 18 regionals and the results were unanimous in re-electing
regional directors. the current slate of officers. The slate of officers for 2025 is
• Reminded regionals to share regional events and meeting with President Jeremy Thompson, Executive Vice President Steve
NYSAPLS. If shared withing reasonable notice, it can be posted to the Willard, Vice President Scott Gillis, Treasurer Scott Allen and
NYSAPLS calendar. Secretary William Eggers.
• Committee would like the board to consider making At-large members • A motion to accept the report was made by John Abruzzo, seconded
their own regional. by Don Stedge, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.
Minimum Technical Standards (ad hoc) • President Thompson “passed the gavel” and invited each attendee to
Roy Garfinkel, Chair report on their regional activities, share news, report concerns, or just
• Requested information was provided to SBELSG, waiting for a response comment in general.
and hopefully a meeting with the Board or the Survey Committee. I. Brie Meisler (Eastern) reported they recently held elections including
Nominations and Awards electronic balloting with Amber’s assistance.
Kaleb Winters, Chair II. Keith Burley (Genessee Valley) reports that their Fall dinner meeting
• Encouraged regionals to make nominations for awards. had record high attendance.
III. Ken Stigner and Amber Carpenter attended to brief the regional on
Patricia Brooks, Chair their role as hosts at the upcoming conference.
• Attended the Fall meeting in New Mexico. Significant discussion was held IV. Don Stedge reports that Delaware-Hudson will be holding their annual
regarding NCEES and the modules in the exam particularly regarding Holiday party on December 10.
Public Land states. VIII. Upcoming Board Meetings
• Patti is running for NSPS Treasurer, elections will open on December 1. • Executive Board, Tuesday December 17,
Public Relations 9:00 am – Virtual Teams Meeting
Lemuel Morrison, Chair • Executive Board, Tuesday January 14,
• Will be making Surveyor’s Corner videos at conference. 9:00 am – Virtual Teams Meeting
• Encouraged members to send “horror stories” of public problems caused • Board of Directors, Tuesday January 21,
by using the hunting mapping apps. 7:00 pm – Turning Stone
• Encouraged members to participate in Surveyors Week. Lem suggested any • Board of Directors, Friday January 24,
regionals interested in participating in a National Surveyors Week, surveyors 1:30 pm – Turning Stone
reenactment on Wall Street in New York City, to reach out to him. Motion to adjourn at 3:03 p.m. was made by Brie Meisler, seconded by Joshua Graf.
• Soldiers to Surveyors campaign is currently running on social media.
• Working on a poster to be provided to municipalities with information on Respectfully submitted:
what to be looking for on a survey map. William R. Eggers, Secretary