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        President and CEO
        Roy B. Garfinkel, LS                    [ president’s message ]
        Executive Board
        Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
         Executive Vice President                                 Members worth mentioning and thanking
        Steven J. Willard, LS                                       I have a lot of time to think on my 80-minute drives back and
         Vice President
        Scott A. Gillis, LS, Treasurer                            forth to work in Buffalo. And today, on my drive home to
        Scott B. Allen, LS, Secretary                             Farmington, my thoughts went to some of the good things that have
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                                      been happening in our association lately, things about NYSAPLS I
         Executive Director
                                                                  am thankful for and some standout members that are worth
        Board of Trustees                                         mentioning and thanking.
        Robert R. Allen, LS
        J. Steven Boddecker, LS                My first thoughts about good things that are happening and things I am thankful for go to the
        Patricia P. Brooks, LS               efforts many of our members are currently making to improve our association and our profession.
        Gregory J. de Bruin, LS, PE          Recently, some members have stepped up in a big way to rebuild and strengthen their regional
        John R. Ennis, LS                    associations. Craig Hewes and Brian Bush of Southern Tier, Dave Bardoun of Central, Matt
        R. Ronald Kreiling, LS
        Joseph G. Malinowski, LS             Palmer of Genesee Valley and Gerry Emborski of Allegany Plateau are some of the people that I
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                 am seeing make a difference by giving their time and creative thoughts to improve and strengthen
        Daren L. Morgan, LS                  their regionals. In addition, it’s refreshing seeing some brand new names and faces step up to serve
        Robert A. Smith, LS                  as a director in their regionals: Tim Coyer (Central); Martin Gotwalt (Genesee Valley); Jeff
        Edwin A. Summerhays, LS
        Gary L. Thompson, LS                 Moore and Jesse Magrath (Mohawk Valley). Thanks for joining the team!
        Glennon J. Watson, LS                  Another bright spot that I am very thankful for is all the talented and energetic new faces
        Marie T. Welch, LS
                                             stepping up to volunteer and throwing their hats in the ring to participate as new members of
        NYSAPLS Headquarters                 our very important committees: Devin Larson, Thomas Vona and Richard Reed (Young
        146 Washington Avenue                Professionals), Joshua Graf and Tim Massi (Strategic Planning), Jacqueline Dresser and
        Land Surveyors Building
        Albany, NY 12210                     Katherine O‘Buckley (Public Relations), Caegen Burnett and Dannielle O’Buckley
        518-432-4046                         (Membership), Joseph Rappa (MTS) and Randy Paquin (Conference).                       As a new addition to our Young Professionals committee, we have also been fortunate to have,
                                             Aidan Reff, Brandon Wilbur, Joseph Forney, Justin Barnes, Jakob Nichols and Kyle
        Editor-in-Chief &
        Managing Director                    Sheppard, all from the ESF Ranger School volunteer to participate as Student Advisor Panelists.
        Amber Carpenter                        And thanks to our new Committee Chairs, Keith Burley (Young Professionals), Kaleb
                                             Winters (Nominations and Awards) and Marshall Wilson (Constitution and Bylaws) for
        Director of Operations               stepping up to lead.
        Heather Schultz                    A round of applause to the greatly appreciated efforts of the volunteers that are getting out to
        Administrative Assistant             encourage young people to think about careers in surveying by visiting schools and job fairs
        Sharon O'Brien                       like, Dave Bardoun, Steve Sehnert and Josh Colella, who attended the Fabius Pompey                   Career Fair, in Fabius NY; Jason Peterson and Jacqueline Dresser, who attended the Fort
                                             Drum Career Fair; Devin Larson and Jim Thew, who attended the Tamarac High School
                                             Trades Fair in Troy, NY; and Erik Svereika, who attended the G. Ray Bodley High School in
        Affiliated Associations
        Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes-  Fulton NY. Important engagement that is greatly needed these days, BRAVO!
        sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors   I would also like to thankfully recognize this past years NYSAPLS award winners for their
        | Catskill Area Association of Land Sur-  hard work and dedication to our association and profession. Associate of the Year Award –
        veyors | Central New York Society of Land
        Surveyors | City Surveyors Association   Keith R. Burley and Meritorious Service Award – Kenneth M. Slaugenhoupt.
        of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson
        Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern   And as always, I smile and say THANK GAWD! for our awesome HQ support team Amber,
        New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc |   Heather and Sharon! You ladies rise far above the call of duty to make NYSAPLS the best LS
        Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association   association in the Country, and we are all thankful for that!
        | Long Island Association of Land Surveyors
        Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of   I am sure I left out many others that deserved a call out for their efforts, I apologize, there is
        Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of
        Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk   only so much this old foggy head can think of...even in 80 minutes.
        Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land
        Surveyors Association | Northern New York   Stay tuned for more good things to come.
        Association of Land Surveyors | Southern
        Finger Lakes Association of Professional
        Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association
        of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association   Roy B. Garfinkel, LS
        of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors  NYSAPLS President
                                                     EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 59 • NO 3/ 2023 • MAY/JUNE   3
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