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[ member news ]

        Welcome New NYSAPLS Members!                            Are you Receiving our NYSAPLS’ E-newsletters?
        Thank you for joining our amazing team of professional licensees,   Are you receiving our weekly and monthly updates? We send
        technicians, students, thinkers, leaders, professors, volunteers, and   our latest updates via email including membership updates
        all-around good people! Watch for your new member kit in the   and upcoming events as well as our establish e-newsletters:
        mail. In addition, one of our membership committee members   Headquarters  Updates,  Upcoming  Events,  and  Legislative
        will be contacting you by phone to welcome you.         Update. If you are not receiving these updates, be sure to check
        Lee Fraser, Somerset, NJ – Student Member               your spam/junk folders and add our staff email addresses to
                                                                your contacts.
        Christopher Chambers, Tully, NY – Associate Member
        Mark E. Reardon, Albany, NY – Associate Member          Revised “Find a Surveyor” Webpage Designed to
        Steven Wible, McConnellsburg, PA – Corresponding Member  Help Prospective Clients Find You
        Justin M. Dutcher, Port Crane, NY – Associate Member
                                                                Recently, the NYSAPLS Public Relations Committee focused on
        Congratulations New Licensees!                          how to best update our website to help the public find a land
                                                                surveyor. Along with our city and county search, updates were
        NYSAPLS would like to congratulate the following individual(s)   made to allow website visitors to search for a land surveyor by:
        who have been granted the title of “Land Surveyor” as an official   radius (powered by google maps) and type of work performed.
        licensee in the state of New York:
                                                                We need your help to ensure these search features perform correctly.
        Patrick G. Reynolds   51201   West Monroe, NY           Please login to your member profile and verify your information
        Jeffrey M. Smith    51202    Gainesville, NY            is correct. In particular, please navigate to the “edit bio” section be

        All new licensees are granted a complimentary 1-year NYSAPLS   sure to complete the steps below:
        membership and will be honored at the Awards Ceremony during   1. Validate your address
        the 2024 NYSAPLS Annual Surveyors Conference.
                                                                Scroll to your home and professional address. If you see a    icon, click
                         Did you know NSPS has a Stolen         on the symbol and validate your address by selecting the appropriate
                                                                USPS address and clicking “use selected” to save. You should then see a
                         Equipment Registry?                        icon, meaning your address has been validated and you will now
                         You can view the current registry at    be able to be “found” in our find a surveyor search.
                                                                2. Update your “Type of Work Performed”
        To report stolen equipment, please provide the following   Check the boxes of any the services you provide, such as:
        information by email to
         1.  Description of Instruments including Serial Number   •  ALTA/NSPS Land Title   •  Oil/Gas Well Surveying
         2.  Location where equipment was stolen, include nearest    Surveying              •  Forensic Surveying
            Town and State                                        •  Boundary Surveying     •  Land Planning
         3.  Date stolen                                          •  Topographic Surveying  •  GIS Surveying
         4.  Contact person to provide information, include phone    •  Construction Site Surveying  Applications
            and/or email                                          •  Flood Elevation Certificate   •  LiDAR & Remote Sensing
                                                                    Surveying               •  Photogrammetry
                                                                  •  Hydrographic Surveying  •  Laser Scanning

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