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Our Spring Workshop Webinar Series, consists of 2
separate 4-hour courses, for a total of 8 CE hours available.
Each course will be held over two days, broken into two
2-hour sessions, giving you more flexibility in your work
schedule. Attendees have a choice of attending one or both
of the 4-hour courses. Keep in mind, with each 4-hour
course broken into two 2-hour sessions, you MUST
attend both sessions to receive the 4-hour CE credit per
course. No partial CE hours will be allotted.
Spring Workshop Pricing* By 3/21 After Session 2:
3/21 The Surveyor’s Judicial Role
Members (licensed) Featuring: Gary R. Kent, PS
One 4-hour course $199 $249 APPROVED FOR: 4.0 NY LS/PE CE Hours
Two 4-hour courses $249 $299 Monday, April 14, 2025 AND Tuesday, April 15, 2025
3:00pm - 5:00pm (VIRTUAL)
Members (non-licensed)
*You MUST ATTEND BOTH LIVE webinar sessions (4/14 & 4/15)
Unlimited sessions $149 $199 to receive 4.0 CE hours. No partial CE hours will be allotted.
Non-Members: Only two persons can truly resolve a dispute boundary or title
One 4-hour course $299 $349 problem. Those persons do not include attorneys, title companies
Two 4-hour courses $349 $399 or surveyors. And, in a sense, they do not even include judges
and juries – at least not of their own volition. This program
Students (must be student member): explores the role that the professional surveyor can, and arguable
Unlimited sessions Free should, take in helping property owners establish or maintain
their common boundary in location that they were perfectly
Session 1: satisfied with – at least until the surveyor showed up! We will
The Art of Retracement look at the role of the surveyor as related to boundaries, not only
from a statutory standpoint, but also as eloquently expressed
Featuring: Gary R. Kent, PS by renowned Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice, Thomas
APPROVED FOR 4.0 NY LS/PE CE Hours Cooley, in his seminal 1881 treatise The [Quasi-] Judicial Function
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 AND Thursday, April 10, 2025 of Surveyors. As a part of this, we will review the dynamic that
8:00am - 10:00am (VIRTUAL) exists between matters of title and matters of survey, including a
* You MUST ATTEND BOTH LIVE webinar sessions (4/9 & 4/10) close look at title insurance. We will also review several examples
to receive 4.0 CE hours. No partial CE hours will be allotted. that demonstrate the problem, and offer an alternative to what is
often the standard approach by surveyors. We will outline a new
Every professional surveyor across the United States knows the approach that has the surveyor helping property owners avoid the
phrase “Follow in the Footsteps” as it relates to conducting a expense and angst of unnecessarily litigating boundaries when
boundary retracement survey. But what does it really mean there has been acquiescence to an accepted line by both owners.
and what is the basis for following the footsteps? And exactly
whose footsteps are we talking about? Surveyors also know that About our Speaker
what is written in the conveyancing document is considered by Gary Kent has been a Professional Surveyor with
the courts to be the highest and best expression of the parties’ Schneider Geomatics in Indianapolis since 1983. He
intentions. But what happens when the evidence of the footsteps transitioned to part-time in 2020 and formed Meridian
on the ground conflict with the written title? And what if there Land Consulting through which he provides training, consulting
are seemingly no footsteps to follow? In this program we will and expert witness services. Gary was Chair of the ALTA/NSPS
explore the concept of retracement, how it relates to and is Workgroup responsible for the ALTA/NSPS Standards from 1995-
dependent on the document of conveyance, and what controls 2021. He has presented programs on boundaries, standards, risk
when conflicts and ambiguities are inevitably encountered. management, safety, easements, leadership, and other topics multiple
When armed with a full understanding of the concept of times in all 50 states. Gary has served on the Indiana State Board
retracement, surveyors will be much better equipped to help of Registration for Professional Surveyors since 2004 and is a past-
steer their clients (and their affected neighbors) away from the president of both ACSM and the Indiana Society of Professional Land
pain and cost of litigation, and towards an amicable solution Surveyors. He writes a column for American Surveyor magazine
based on well-placed confidence and understanding of their and is an instructor for GeoLearn, an online provider of continuing
respective roles and responsibilities. education for geospatial professionals.
Register Online Today!