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The members of the NYSAPLS Auxiliary held another successful an entry next year. The contest is a great way to display your talent while
program during the conference. On Wednesday, they held their promoting the diversity in the services surveyors perform. See page 21
annual meeting as a tea party brunch and elected new officers. for this year’s winners. While every entry cannot be declared a winner,
Throughout the week, the ladies enjoyed spa visits, attended we applaud all entries and hope you will continue to submit drawings
presentations and wine tastings, experienced a chair yoga session, next year.
played games, and even sang their hearts out with a little karaoke! A sincere thank you to our regional host, the Genesee Valley Land
Congratulations to the 2025 Auxiliary Officers: Surveyors Association. The regional supplied endless volunteer hours
for our event. On behalf of NYSAPLS, I would like to extend our sincere
Barbara Marvin, President* “thanks” for all your hard work and dedication. Job well done!
Vice President, Patricia Hinken
Secretary, Peggy Miller A special thank you to our conference & education committee
Co-Treasurers, Barbara Marvin* & JoAnn Latourelle members who have devoted an enormous amount of time and energy
both onsite and throughout the year to pull off our event successfully:
*Editor’s note: It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news
of Barbara Marvin’s passing shortly after our annual conference. Conference Committee:
Just prior to the conference we had learned the heartbreaking
news of Beverly Morgan’s passing, former Auxiliary President and
Treasurer. We are all in shock from losing these two dear friends.
Our condolences to the Marvins and Morgans. We will keep Barb
and Bev forever in our hearts and memories. You can find their
obituaries on page 11.
On Thursday evening, the Young Professionals Committee kicked off
their annual networking reception with the combined efforts of the
New York surveying schools for a “Young Professionals and Alumni
Social”. Conference attendees were invited to meet up with young
professionals, college alumni and current students from Alfred State, Kenneth Stigner, LS, PP – Nicholas Burgher, LS
SUNY ESF Ranger School and Paul Smiths College for cocktails and Committee Chair Christopher Grey, LS
snacks. During the event, the YP committee unveiled the winners of the Howard Johannessen, LS
Field Olympics contest. Michael Bogardus, LS –
GVLSA Regional Host Chair Brian Magee, LS
Following the YP/Alumni networking event, the Surveyors Social Randal Paquin, LS
began, co-sponsored by the Long Island Association of Land Surveyors Education Committee:
and Islip Land Surveying, PC. The event began with a cocktail reception, Jeremy Thompson, LS – Acting Chair Adolf Jonietz, LS
followed by dinner and our annual scholarship auction to benefit the William Eggers, LS Jason Larson, LS
Shaw Scholarship Fund. Live music was provided by Pat Gioia. Between Thomas Cerchiara, Jr., LS Daniel Marvin, LS
the 50/50 raffle and both live and silent auctions, the association Kevin Hanley, LS Jonathan Schmidt, LS
proudly raised over $11,000 for the Shaw Scholarship Fund!
In addition, thank you to the 60+ members who volunteered to
On Friday, the final day of our event, attendees visited with the assist with classroom sign-in and the registration desk! We could not
exhibitors one last time and attended morning educational sessions. do what we do without you!
After classes, our Annual Membership Meeting was held followed by
the NYSAPLS Board of Directors meeting (reconvened from their Mark your calendars now! Our 2026 conference will be held January
Tuesday night meeting) and the Shaw Fund Annual Meeting. Minutes 26-28, 2026 at the Saratoga Springs City Center and Hilton Hotel in
for the NYSAPLS board and annual meetings can be found on pages beautiful downtown Saratoga Springs, NY, hosted by the Eastern New
32-34 of this issue. York Society of Land Surveyors.
We strive to make the conference as rewarding an experience as Congratulations to our Door Prize and Contest Winners:
possible by providing a unique blend of educational activities, a large • Grand door prize winner: Sam Zook
tradeshow and a variety of social and networking events, while • Welcome reception door prize winner: Brian Willig
attempting to maintain costs as much as possible. We sincerely hope
everyone that attended had a great experience and would greatly value • Surveyors Social door prize: William Eggers, LS
your feedback. If you haven’t already done so, please take a couple • Young Professionals door prize winners: David Vaga,
minutes to take our post conference survey. Bobby Van Vellosor, Ariane Tanski
The survey can be found here: • 50/50 Raffle winner: Steve Miller, LS • Field Olympics winners: Kevin Young, LS (Tree Identification);
Shyainne Davoy (Pacing); Keihlen Stein (Orienteering); Gary
Thank you to the 39 participants who entered our Annual Map
Contest. If you did not participate this year, we encourage you to submit Benz (Backsight Setup)