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P   ost Conference R                                        eport – 2025
            Post Conference Report – 2025

            By Amber Carpenter, NYSAPLS Managing Director

        NYSAPLS 66th Annual Surveyors Conference and Exhibition                            On  Wednesday,  January  22nd,
        January 22-24, 2025                                                              our official “opening” day, attendees
        Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, NY                                        gathered mid-morning for
                                   On behalf of the members of the                       an opening Welcome Keynote
                                 conference committee and staff, thank                   Presentation featuring NYSAPLS
                                 you to all that who attended the NYSAPLS                President Thompson and Patti
                                 66th Annual Surveyor’s Conference and                   Brooks, our NY Director and newly
                                 Exhibition at the Turning Stone Resort &                elected Treasurer for the National
                                 Casino in Verona, New York. I also would                Society of Professional Surveyors.
                                 like to personally thank anyone who                     After lunch we held our annual
                                 came up to the registration desk or   awards ceremony to honor the 2025 scholarship winners and
                                 stopped me in the hallway to say hello to   welcome the newest licensees to the profession. Congratulations to
                                 me or my staff. We sincerely look forward   all for your accomplishments. In addition, we presented the
                                                                  NYSAPLS’ Pillars of Excellence Awards. A listing of scholarship
                                 to seeing all of you, helping out where we   recipients, new licensees and all conference contest winners can be
                                 can and watching our members and   found on page 21.
                                 friends enjoying the conference.
                                                                    Our annual student networking day was also held Wednesday
                                   A total of 742 conference registrants   afternoon. Students and licensees were paired up during lunch
                                 attended this year’s event, including a   and attended the awards ceremony together. The Awards Ceremony
                                 sold-out tradeshow with 39 companies   was  sponsored  by Islip  Land  Surveying,  PC.  Award Programs
        utilizing over 53 exhibit booths to showcase their products and services.   sponsored  by  MJ  Engineering  and  Land  Surveying,  PC.  Student
        Attendees traveled from all areas of New York State and some hailing across   lunches  were  sponsored  by  the  NYSAPLS  Auxiliary  (Wed)  and
        the country to join our annual celebration. Attendee registrations included   Westchester Putnam Association of Professional Land Surveyors,
        a dynamic combination of professional land surveyors and engineers, CEOs,   in memory of Art McLaughlin (Thurs). Participants spent the
        field crew, office staff, sales team members, volunteers, students, college   afternoon together visiting exhibits and attending educational
        professors and more. The association provided multiple hours of continuing   sessions. Thank you to all that participated! We look forward to
        education throughout the event, with a total of 34 programs presented from   this program growing each year.
        Wednesday – Friday.
                                                                    On Wednesday evening, we gathered for a grand welcome
                                     On Tuesday, our Government   reception in the exhibit hall with our vendors, sponsored by Maine
                                   Relations Committee co-hosted another   Technical Source and Control Point Associates, Inc. PC. Attendees
                                   round table with the help of our friends  enjoyed delicious fare and cocktails while networking with their
                                   from the NYS GIS Association to discuss  peers and viewing the latest and greatest survey technologies and
                                   public access to digital land records in  business services offered by our vendors. Thank you to Lafave, White
                                   New York. The round table featured a  & McGivern, LS, PC for sponsoring tickets for the students to attend
                                   panel including representatives from  this fun event as well. Our friend, Johnny Miller, from On the Spot
        NYS Department of Transportation, NYS Information Technology Services,  Photos was on hand to take photos of attendees. Some beautiful
        NYS County Clerks Association as well as NYSAPLS and NYSGISA. Thank you  photos of our members and exhibitors were taken. They can be
        to all that attended this important event. We invite you all to visit our mapping  viewed at:
        resources page ( where you’ll find                         continued on page 20
        mapping portals, important archived documents and indexes. Stay tuned for
        more great things to come from the efforts of our amazing Government
        Relations Committee.
          Tuesday also featured our annual LS PAC fundraiser reception. On behalf
        of your PAC committee, thank you to all that attended the reception and
        participated in the silent auction. A total of $3,730 in PAC donations were
        received during the conference.

        18   EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL
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