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year after Irene. Evelyn’s father, William James Perry, was headmaster   beetles and bed bugs. They became ill, were unable to work and then
        and chaplain of St Anne’s School in Redhill from 1896 until the school   couldn’t afford decent food, creating a poverty spiral. When residents
        closed after the end of WWI and Evelyn shared Irene’s views on the   were later moved into their new housing, their furniture and clothes all
        importance of social housing.                           had to be chemically disinfested to avoid cross-contamination.
          Their first office was in Finsbury Square and Irene was less than   In 1921, a young priest, Father Basil Jellicoe, was put in charge of the
        impressed by the ‘foolish fuss’ that was made of two women setting up   Magdalen College Mission in Somers Town. Funded by the Oxford
        a surveying business: ‘cheap press publicity is very disagreeable’. One   college, it had started working in the area in 1908, combining social
        of their first jobs was to make a survey of the poorer areas of Chelsea,   work with Christian Evangelism. Jellicoe was an adherent of F.D. Maurice
        funded by a group of wealthy residents who wanted to tackle local slum   and like him a radical reformist who took practical action. The Trust
        landlords. The driving force was an ex-MP George Currie and the   paid Jellicoe’s salary and volunteers, drawn from the undergraduates
        project resulted in legal action.                       and recent postgraduates, also lived on site.
          1924 was also the year of Irene’s marriage to John Barclay. John had   Unsurprisingly, given the involvement of Edith Neville and the
        fought in the First World War as a teenager, surviving the horrors of   influence of FD Maurice, when the not-for-profit St Pancras House
        Passchendaele to be invalided home with mustard gas poisoning and   Improvement Society was founded in 1924 (later the St Pancras Housing
        shell shock. It made him a committed pacifist. Meeting and marrying   Association), its objectives were very similar to those pursued by Octavia
        Irene was generally agreed to be a great turning point in his life and in   Hill in her housing schemes: to provide housing of a good standard at
        John, Irene found a husband who was totally supportive of her work   an affordable rent, with associated community services, overseen by
        and career.                                             Housing Managers who had both technical and social work experience.
        Regenerating the Somers Town slums                      A core principle was that re-housing should not mean up-rooting: local
          In 1936, Irene contributed an essay on Property Management to a   communities should remain intact. A year in the Honorary Secretary
        careers guide, subtitled ‘rehousing; administration of new and old   resigned and Edith persuaded Irene to take on the role, one which she
        housing estates; surveying and architectural planning; and social work in   would hold for 48 years.
        connection with rehousing.’ This gives an idea of the scope of work in   At first the Society bought houses to re-furbish but this approach was
        Barclay and Perry’s next project, one to which Irene would stay connected   quickly abandoned for a strategy of re-building and mass re-housing.
        for the rest of her working life: the re-generation of Somers Town.  The architect for the new-build schemes was Ian Hamilton and although
          Squashed between two of London’s major railway stations, Euston and   great attention was paid to cost, it did not come at the expense of beauty,
        King’s Cross, the Victorian terraces of Somers Town had degenerated into   with ornamental details were included in the buildings’ structure
        slums before the First World War and now they were even more squalid.   Gilbert Bayes (who also designed the famous Queen of Time Clock
        Four families squeezed into seven or eight rooms in damp and dilapidated   that still stands over the main entrance of Selfridges) made lunettes to
        buildings, rotting woodwork and plaster peeling, infested with rats, black   go over some of the windows. The thoughtful approach to the design
                                                                                                      continued on page 16

        Somers Town: building design and ornamentation

                                               EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 61 • NO 2 / 2025 • MARCH/APRIL   15
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